Sunset Beach
January 6, 1997 - December 31, 1999

Well, folks, it's over. No more "Sunset Beach." Everyone associated with the show has moved on, and it's passed by just as quickly as it came. And everyone deserves a big cheer for all the hard work they put in. So, every few days, we'll be spotlighting a different cast member, starting in alphabetical order with the cast, then some of the bigger recurring characters, and then moving on to crew. We are now on the tenth cast member. To review past spotlights visit: Spotlight Archives.


Character: Carmen Torres

Oh, I loved Carmen! That woman was crazy! Unfortunately, they sanitized her several months ago and left her without a storyline (was I the only one who thought she needed a love interest?), but she was always fun, and funny. Come on, who didn't crack up like nobody's business when Carmen ran down the Archbishop in her orange low rider? I remember back when Carmen's motives weren't the best, and she was just "that crazy psychic" was adamant about Maria being with Ben and she pulled a gun at Ben and Meg's wedding. I laughed then, and I'm laughing in retrospect. But then Carmen's reasons for being crazy became clearer, and as they did, Margarita became more driven. I don't know what Carmen had on weddings, but oy, when Gabi and Ricardo had their first wedding and she showed up with that tape... one of the greatest performances ever given on the show! She marched in with those wild eyes and that music in the background, and of course she was wearing black, and using only words proceeded to beat Gabi to a pulp. The writers gave her some great material, she ran with it and went way over the top, and she blew everyone out of the water! I always thought Carmen would get mean again, or at least get another storyline, but instead she spent the last months of the show just trying to get someone to listen to her. But when her scenes weren't up to par, if nothing else, she made sure we laughed. And we did, every time. Duante

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