Some Thoughts on Grading Tapes

I have been trying to develope a system for grading of tapes since I got started in this. The more tapes I aquire and listen to the more I change my opnion of how tapes should be graded. It is a very subjective matter and everybodys ears are different. Most tapes tend to get graded lower on reflection. What I find most difficult is comparing tapes from older shows with those from later shows. A tape made in 1969 that rates say an A or A- is never going to sound like a tape from the late 80s or 90s that rates an A or A-. Too many differences in technology, both on stage, at the soundboard and in the audience. Following is a general rundown of how I try to rate the tapes.

A+ = Pretty much flawless. Not too many of these on the list. Dicks Picks, Vault Release Series and other Official stuff is A+ in my mind

A = Excellent tape. Little or no noticible hiss. Good dynamic range. All instruments audible. Levels and balance good throughout.

A- = Very good tape. More hiss noticible. Maybe a little dynamic loss. Levels/balance still good.

B+ = Good tape. Starting to hear some real problems. Hiss creeping up. Loss of dynamic range. Levels/balance off. Boomby or bass heavy. Still very listenable and worth having.

B = Some or all of the above problems getting worse. Depends on how picky you are. I can still listen to em.

B- = Getting hard to enjoy. You will probably want to look for a better copy. Some older and rare stuff just doesn't come any better than this.

Less than B- I don't list them.


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