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valentina zucchiatti - 08/15/99 08:44:16
My Email:ldenardi@tin.it
Age: 35
How did you find us: I now the site
Location: Venezia (IT)
Your Favorite GOD: BRAD PITT
Brad is the good actor, much prepared . You are the serious professional. Brad is a man beautiful. I love your swetnes eyes and your beautiful voice. With long hair and with the short hair Brad is charming. Brad is the NUMBER ONE of all. Valentina

Michelle - 08/10/99 21:35:53
My URL:http://billyzane.cjb.net
My Email:LilGonzie@aol.com
Age: 15
How did you find us: geocities search
Location: Florida
Your Favorite GOD: BILLY ZANE!!!!!
Billy Zane is sooo great!!! I love you guys for making a webpage about him! Billy Zane is not only a Godm he is THE GOD!!!!!

jenn M - 08/07/99 02:23:34
My Email:jmaarch@eartlink.net
Age: 26
How did you find us: browsing
Location: s.l.c. utah
i like billy. by no means am i a star struck person in no way does billy seem inhuman to me. i am attracted to him.he was indeed blessed with looks, no arguement there.when god blesses you with such a gift you can choose to use it in to ways,grateful or ungrateful. i am so impressed with the individual who as a role model who is humble and uses thier gift in a possitive manner. this i feel billy does, if he continues to do so i feel he will be a happy and uplifted person.whats funny is my boyfriend knows of my fondness for billy and allows me to have fun with the notion i have a crush on someone who is unnatainable, nothing to worry about right? of course i think to myself NOT IF HE MET ME !!! i have come to the conclusion i am attracted to men that resemble my own self. billy and i could be twins, although I have seen his sister lisa and wouldn't of guessed it was his sister. boy is he ever the finest example of a greek god! i have always been fascinated by greek men or the greeks period. i went to greece three years ago in search of one of these so called gods, but when i first saw billy there was one in the u.s.a. all along, chicago! who would of known. so now instead of a 12 hour trip i can just cruz up to the local blockbuster and there you have it. im always exited for any info on billys new projects. so about his love life? i had seen him on howard stern and they showed his girlfriend of about 2 years, she was young innocentley pretty. billy had said they had met while he was setting up a web site,than he does cleopatra and as rumor has it he is now seeing the leading lady. i can see that, she is a beautiful girl, then my boyfriend informs me he had seen billy and leanora on a late talk show plugging his new web sight, something to do with the good news of the world instead of the crud we hear all to often. this is why i like billy. i wish i had that info on his web site, thats how i got here trying to look it up. by no means am i a computer whiz, i ended up at this comment page and figure i would add a few bits about billy. so bottom line he's a good guy who does great work. i am not easiley entertained but he does it for me. i hope he will pay a visit to utah soon i would love to meet him, keep up the good work!!!! jenn M

jennifer marty - 08/07/99 00:57:48

~megan~ - 07/18/99 22:47:21
Age: 15
How did you find us: yahoo search -billy zane
Your Favorite GOD: huh???

ilhan - 07/17/99 04:00:52
My Email:fthompson@ecn.net.au
How did you find us: by looking at the movies
Your Favorite GOD: Jesus
How did you get to be a movie star?

priscilla retzlaff - 07/10/99 02:24:01
My URL:http://www.yahoo.com
My Email:cilla_bum@yahoo.com
Age: 19
How did you find us: internet explorer
Location: 6 rongo road,royal oak,auckland,New Zealand
Your Favorite GOD: jesus christ (i am a christian)
brad pitt is so hot .he is the cutest and hottest man alive.

Janet B - 07/08/99 14:25:04
My Email:jan@september68.freeserve.co.uk
Age: 30
How did you find us: Surfed around!
Location: England
Your Favorite GOD: Jon Farriss (INXS)
Brillant website but you have got to see Jon Farris he is just gorgeous!! Also Ben Chaplin, Kevin Spacey and Robert Carlyle. Thanks xxxx

vonnie - 06/20/99 15:10:53
My URL:http://mypage.goplay.com/kitten1999/
My Email:kitten1999@webtv.net
Age: 18
How did you find us: a zaniac sent me the url
Location: texas
Your Favorite GOD: (as in actor?) billy zane
i like your page i am glad a friend sent me the url!

SAM - 06/14/99 16:14:41
Age: 23
How did you find us: Browsing
Your Favorite GOD: I have a lot!
This site is the coolest, yet! It is the best because u can look at pics & etc!! Have a great summer everyone! Billy Zane is the best actor I have seen in a long time. He can play any role and get by with it because he is so damn fine!! Peace! SAM

Dorothee Schuster - 06/08/99 20:06:39
My Email:dotti777@gmx.de
Age: 25
How did you find us: By surfing
Location: Germany
Hi Girls, wonderful website, really brilliant. Do more! Bye Dotti

M Jean - 06/08/99 08:08:52
Age: 29
How did you find us: browsing
Location: USA
Your Favorite GOD: Billy Zane
This is the best website so far, keep up the good work, thank you

natalie - 06/04/99 22:23:26
My Email:barbie-ratwebt.v.com
Age: 16
Location: denair, california
Your Favorite GOD: brad pitt
brad pitt is soooooooo gorgeous

AnonyGirl7 - 05/19/99 16:02:53
My Email:anonygirl7@aol.com
Age: 21
How did you find us: Follow the Zane Trail
Location: California
Your Favorite GOD: Do I have to pick?
Hey, I thought you might like to see something I found online that Billy seems to be into. This fab new site (just started!) and you can get some free membership. Its in its baby step stages, but I think they're off to a cool start and billy's in the middle of it all. The addy is: http://www.gnnow.com I figured you might like it! From one Zaniac to another! - AnonyGirl7

valentina zucchiatti - 05/19/99 07:56:23
My Email:ldenardi@tin.it
Age: 35
How did you find us: search in geocities
Location: venezia (Italia)
Your Favorite GOD: brad pitt
Your site is very beautifull The photos of Brad are much beauty I admire Brad Like actor and like man Brad is actor much prepared and intelligent Thank for you site Valentina

Denise - 05/17/99 14:09:54
My URL:http://www.telekabel.nl/sprinter/cai12292/pitt.html
My Email:shiva@caihwk.nl
Age: 24
How did you find us: fansites.com
Location: NL
Your Favorite GOD: Brad Pitt
Really nice page!! Come visit my page sometime? GrEeTz from Holland.

Donna - 05/09/99 19:58:46
My Email:donnalozano@matthewmcconaughey.zzn.com
Age: 14
How did you find us: Alta Vista
Location: Harlingen, Texas
Your Favorite GOD: Matthew McConaughey
You guys have a great page!

valentina zucchiatti - 04/26/99 07:20:39
My Email:ldenardi@tin.it
Age: 35
How did you find us: geocities
Location: Venezia (it)
Your Favorite GOD: BRAD PITT
Brad are the wonderfull man and goodest actor: You are the best Valentina

Tasha Luke - 04/02/99 19:57:02
My Email:www.tashaluke@alltel.net
Age: 19
How did you find us: yahoo search
Location: Ga
Your Favorite GOD: Billy Zane
I love billy zane and your site. Please e-mail me at www.tashaluke@alltel.net

Donita Wade - 02/24/99 23:51:46
My Email:Twetty2000_dm@yahoo.com
Age: 27
How did you find us: yahoo search
Your Favorite GOD: Matty of course
Great pictures. To bad what's her name was in a couple of them.

Sheryl Nieto - 02/11/99 22:56:12
My Email:snieto2unm.edu.
Age: 32
How did you find us: Internet
Location: university of NM
Your Favorite GOD: Billy Zane
The most unforgettable thing about Billy is his voice! Every time I hear it, I just melt!!!!!

Marci Norman - 01/21/99 23:48:25
Age: 19
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
Your Favorite GOD: Billy Zane
The best looking bald guy ever!

Tiana DelRosario (AngelFeather) - 01/14/99 19:39:18
Age: 16
How did you find us: Looking for interesting BZ sites
Location: Maui, HI
Your Favorite GOD: Billy Zane
He has got to be the most foxy guy on the face of the earth!

morris - 09/30/98 16:26:15
My Email:skys@dada.it
Age: 41
How did you find us: net
Your Favorite GOD: billy zane
you are wonderful

Vivian - 08/16/98 12:27:24
My Email:Vivian1001@hotmail.com
Age: 19
How did you find us: altavista+links (and more links)
Your Favorite GOD: Billy Zane

Actually, I only looked at the Billy Zane Gallery and it has the most pictures I found so far... please email me if there are more pics...

Jessica - 05/17/98 01:17:13
My URL:http://geocities.com/Hollywood/Theater/8308
My Email:iloveleo50@hotmail.com
How did you find us: surfed in
Your favorite GOD: Leonardo di Caprio

This page is really great. I love all the pictures and links.

Tanya - 02/17/98 06:49:56
My URL:The Lobby!
My Email:Click here!
Age: 21
How did you find us: Duh!
Location: Federal Way, WA, USA
Your Favorite GOD: KEANU! DUH! :P~~~

Just a test for floor 2! :) (do I have to type "testing, testing, 1, 2, 3?") Wow! Our first message! Don't we feel special Brooke?! :)

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