Love That Weather
by Traute Klein, biogardener
Sunshine is not the only good weather. Learn to appreciate the changing seasons and the changes within the season. Make friends with the weather.
A Rainy Choir Practice
During my first year of teacher training, our music instructor, Beth Douglas, told us the story of one renowned children's choir director in Britain whose practice methods she observed in her youth. I shall never forget the story.
It was a miserable day, as they tend to be rather often in England, and everyone arrived at the practice soaking wet. The director greeted them enthusiastically and started the rehearsal with a big smile, saying, "Isn't it glorious weather for the ducks?"
The children all caught the spirit, and the practice proceeded as though the sun were shining. As a matter of fact, it was smiling, right out of the face of the enthusiastic director. No wonder her choir stole all the prizes at music festivals!
Walking in the Rain
Living in the city where all food comes from the supermarket, children do not learn to appreciate the value of seasons and weather changes within season. I am glad that at least my family had a large garden while I grew up so that I could learn the necessity of changes in the weather.
I got rather annoyed at a TV weather forecaster announcing that we will have "great weather" all week, when I have been praying for rain for a month. We were going through one of the worst droughts in Manitoba's history, and there wasn't a cloud in sight, and he dared call that "great weather?"
I love walking on lawns during and after rain with nothing but rubber thongs on my feet. It's the next best thing to walking barefoot, and it is safer.
Enjoying the Deep-Freeze
Almost everyone loves to complain about Manitoba's icy winters. I think back of those exhausting summer days, and I soon appreciate the cold. At least I can dress for it, but how do I dress for the heat which everyone praises so highly?
I love the cold. It kills off the agricultural pests which are prominent in warmer regions. I love the snow. The more, the better. It protects my trees, bulbs, and perennials from the elements. So let it snow!
Another Weather Story
Making the Weather
The story of the man who got to make the weather for a whole year.
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