How to Give a Cat a Bath
Or Why You Should not Bother
by Traute Klein, biogardener
© Traute Klein, biogardenerWe only tried to give our Russian blue cat a bath once. The whole house got wet, but Miezi stayed dry.True Story
Russian Blue cats have fur which sticks up straight, making the cat look fluffy. You can brush the fur in any direction you like without upsetting the cat, but you can't give her a bath, at least not ours. That cat lived to be over twenty years old, but she only got her feet wet once in her life. That was on the first day of cold slushy snow in November 1967 when my sister found her, shivering and crying, a little lost kitten. From that day on, she made sure she never got her paws or any other part of her body wet again. After a rain, she would not even step on the sidewalk. She would tiptoe on our white picket fence.Step by Step MethodHere is the story of what happened the one and only time when my son Arno and I tried to give her a bath.
The Moral of the Story
- Let the water into the bathtub.
- Get some big bath towels ready to dry the cat.
- Get two people to hold her, one holding onto the front legs and one onto the hind legs.
- Dip the cat into the water, back down.
- Get the Shop Vac to vacuum dry the bathroom floor.
- Change out of your soaking ripped clothes, throw them into the garbage, and wrap yourself in the bath towels. You won't need them for the cat.
- Don't bother trying to drain the tub. It is empty.
- Don't bother looking for wet paw prints on the floor. There aren't any.
- Find the cat downstairs, perched on the back of the chesterfield, perfectly dry.
- Don't bother talking to her, because she will ignore you for the next two days.
Don't give a cat a bath.
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