Look into the Rippling Waters

The third ripples page is also dedicated to my visitors who have faithfully signed my guestbook, but these entries have defended Ami against Mercury Bashers, much to my delight. To everyone who contributed, arigatou, gozaimasu! ^^

Look into the rippling waters, and tell me what you see...

As far as other people's comments about Ami being the least effective of the Senshi... I ran across a book called Citizen Soldiers, about the U.S. Army in World War II. This served as a resource for the movie Saving Private Ryan. In it, Stephen Ambrose noted that the soldiers who were quiet, unassuming, and were not standouts in basic training were the best fighters when it came to actual combat. Those soldiers who bragged about what they would do to the enemy or who were regarded as the best in basic, didn't do so well. As someone once told me, "It's the quiet ones you have to watch out for." Guess that applies to the Senshi as well, ne?
- Raymon Gonzales

the graceful soldier of ice I think most Ami-chan bashers are just jealous.
- Joelle

'But my friend Psyber assures me that there is still a quiet majority of "nerds" who happen to like Ami-chan in America! Well, I certainly hope so!' Thaaaaaaat's me! I don't how anyone could not like her. Heh! If not for her, Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars would have been lost in the Dark Kingdom forever with three bus-loads of unconscious people...w ait! Thet never would have even found Sailor Mars because Sailor Moon would have been destroyed by Jadeite's youma in episode 8! That would have decided everything... Jadeite would've collected all the energy he needed, Empress Metallia would be resurrected, Earth would be subjugated, from Earth, the Dark Kingdom would conquer the universe... whew! To think we avoided all that because a "nerdy" girl picked up a henshin stick and shouted, "Mercury Power... Make-up!" Something to think about...
- Quetzalcoatl

Only a moron would hate people (albeit fictional character) just because she studies hard... The Inners AND some Outers (Uranus & Neptune) would be dead without Ami's intervention. How? why? I guess you'd have to watch the "S" series...
- Apatt, webmaster of The SM Zone

Ami-san has always been my favorite character on Sailormoon and always will be (even though I have my own Sailormoon page.. ^^) I love your page and all the information that it gives -- and you're right, Sailormercury has helped the senshi on many occasions and is an essential part of the show!
- Sakura, webmaster of Sakura's Sailormoon Shrine

I would just like to offer my argument on the strength (Or lack thereof ^-^) of Ami's attacks. I think that she has to be one of the strongest scouts! The reason why, is that while her attacks most certainly do not do much damage to the enemy, they need a lot of strength. First of all, they are definetly defensive, and so to compare the amount of damage they do to an enemy vs another scout's damage is silly. You need to look at the attack itself. Ami's first blast is the only one that actually affects a large area for a long amount of time. And her freezing blasts are also powerful. Can you imagine how much power it takes to actually immoblize an enemy? Her attacks are the most orginial, the most creative. Odviously, there has to be SOME downside to them, and that's the fact they do not, in fact, damage the enemy much.
- Aileen Mackay

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