Catcher In The Rye J.D. Salinger
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(Learn more about the book and author here)
--This is a story about a kid named Holdenn who has been kicked out of another school, and decides to experience life on his own rather than tell his parents that he has been kicked out yet again. It is a good book, but not one of my favorites. I think the reason it has become so popular can be found in the way it is written. It is written in conversational style, and people are able to relate to the main character very well.

I imagine the offense that some people take at the book lies in the part of the book where Holden hires a prostitute. While the scene is far milder (for today) than much of what can be found on network tv... it was a pretty hot scene when it was written. For anyone worried about it, I would rate it PG at most.

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