The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Mark Twain
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--The one thing I found hard to believe abbout this book was the fact that all of the occurances in the book had happened either to the author of the book, or to one of his friends. (I have a suspicion that some of the adventures were exagerated at least a bit). That suspicion, though, does not keep the book from being a fabulous story. Its mainly about a boy named Tom Sawyer, who is a little more mischevious than the average ten year old. Tom has adventures on an unpopulated island as a pirate, and in a haunted house with robbers, and stolen money. He gets lost in a cave with the girl he loves, and frequently sneaks out at night to run with the outcast child, Huckleberry Finn, once managing to wittness a murder. Many of Tom's (and the villiage's) superstitions are, while outdated, rather humorous. I recommend the story to everyone young, and young at heart.

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