Web Ways and the Formation Theory

The general atmosphere on the Web looks like a schizophrenic mixture of technical freaks, silly entertainment and annoying advertising. The situations is becoming even worse with the wide spread of Java, Flash and DHTML. The decadent creatures browsing the Web are willing to be completely drawn away from reality, thus losing the last grounds for being considered as intelligent. It seems quite natural for the period of formation change experienced by the humanity today. There are certain economical interests behind that, and informational chaos may be nothing but the way to conceal the real reorganization of the world.

The fundamental category of socioeconomic formation has been introduced by K.Marx, who was first to find out that the diversity of economic and social development can be described as a sequence of distinct stages objectively arising in the history of any people. The sequence of these formations is hierarchical, so that any formation may be considered as several sub-formations replacing each other in an objective way. I suppose that there should be an "ideal" counterpart for this "material" development, so that cultural development would proceed via an objective succession of cultural formations which are related to economic development being relatively independent of it. As far as I can judge, modern humanity is experiencing one of such formation changes, switching to a higher level of its development. There are indications that this is going to be the last stage of the capitalist society.

Usually, the changes in socioeconomic organization are preceded by a cultural mess, when the current culture is already felt to be decaying, while the material premises for the new cultural formation are still to be created by a technological or social revolution.

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