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Immer treu und verbunden, Die Bergvagabunden

Die Bergvagabunden Schuhplattler

Become a Schuhplattler, it is fun...and more...

This is an invitation to you to become a Schuhplattler. We want you! We want Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls and especially children. If you are out of diapers, you are ready. Great environment for families.

What does it take?

You have to know how to count, at least to six. Most dances are a sequence of 6 and 5 slaps. (This requirement can be waived if you are very young and have a good ear for music).

There are no prerequisites, we'll teach you all you need to know and more.

It helps if you enjoy German Music, if you don't we'll help you along. To speak German is not a requirement. A few German words are part of our vocabulary, you won't learn to speak German, but you will get used to its sound. If you speak some German, we'll have our German speaking members involve you in their conversations, which will improve your German in no time (self defense).

It is also useful if you enjoy German Festivals. We perform a lot at German Festivals and are the center of attraction, don't be shy! The audience loves you, even if a few slaps are out of sequence.

We are part of the Schuhplattler Organization of North America. We visit each other. We join the activities of other clubs, they join ours. Great friendship and comeradery, don't miss it any longer.

If you are not quite ready to become a dancer, we also welcome you as an active or contributing member, so what are you waiting for? Join us now.

And here is the best offer:
If you become a member, I'll buy you a drink.

If you have any questions: Email me at

Information about our Club

Links to other German clubs:
Gauverband Nordamerika, includes a listing of Gau member clubs
Alpentänzer Schuhplattler
Texanischer Schuhplattler
Enzian Schuhplattler Home Page - Seattle
Trachtenverein D'Wochtstoana

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