Wayne's Perfect Spin Off Cosplay

Have visited Perfect Spin Off Cosplay since Halloween, 1998.

Laguna Loire
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Laguna Loire
Final Fantasy VIII
Designer: Wayne
Worn By: Wayne
Conception: September 20, 1999
Picture Date: February 26, 2000
Appearances: Fanime Con 2000
Components: Black Boots, Dog Tags, White Shirt, Black Belt, Blue Jacket, Brown Pants, White Socks, Long Black Hair, Machine Gun, Black Cut Off Gloves
Powers Gained: 1. Can blame all goof ups as being in character
2. A big gun.
3. Well known character.
4. The presidency!
Drawbacks: 1. Being called a moron
2. Not that good at asking women out
3. Leg cramps.
Story: Yes yes, there was a time where I said that I would not do a Final Fantasy related costume cos everyone and their mom would be doing one and it would be cosplayed to death. (It still holds true for Rinoa). But with all my friends gearing up for a Final Fantasy VIII skit soon and me knowing nothing about it, the thought crossed my mind. And when I was talking to sweet Meg of East Coast fame about the topic she was absolutely swooning over some bishonen character named Laguna. A soldier that wants to be a journalist, and a hopeless romantic in love with a piano girl. Wai! Sounds perfect for me! So what if Meg was only on the early few disks of the game. So I reserved myself to be the Laguna in the squad. Of course, myself not playing the game, I went to do research looking up all the pictures and spoilers I could find. And extracting information from all my friends who played the game. Soon enough, I find out that Laguna is a total klutz, moron, etc. ^^; That was something Meg neglected to tell me! Ah well I'll have to cope then with his antics. And what's this? He doesn't hook up with the piano girl? What's up with that? And the girl he hooks up with dies? Oh sorry, this must be major spoilers for some of you eh? Maybe I should warn ya. Don't read on. hehehehehe. "But at least he's President." Yeh, a lonely president. Ffffft. But like all my costumes like this, I ended up making the machine gun first, and then the rest of the costume. The machine gun was complete nearly a month early! A new record indeed. And in order not to let my friends down, I must grow out my hair really long to be just like Laguna. j/k!


Laguna Loire Laguna Loire Laguna Loire Laguna Loire Laguna Loire

Laguna Loire Laguna Loire Laguna Loire Laguna Loire

Laguna Loire Laguna Loire Laguna Loire Laguna Loire Laguna Loire

Laguna Loire Laguna Loire Laguna Loire Laguna Loire Laguna Loire

Laguna Loire the Journalist Laguna Loire the Journalist Laguna Loire the Journalist

Laguna Loire Laguna Loire Laguna Loire Laguna Loire Laguna Loire

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For King of Fighters Group Pictures and Event Photos Related to this Costume,
Please Visit My Team Home Page of the
Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts
Specifically: AGSMA at Fanime Con 2000
The costume gallery starts here and click next image for the rest (about 25 pics).

PSOC Laguna Loire

Wayne's Perfect Spin Off Cosplay (PSOC) ゥ.
Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts (AGSMA) ゥ.
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