Wayne's Perfect Spin Off Cosplay

Have visited Perfect Spin Off Cosplay since Halloween, 1998.

Strider Hiryu
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Strider Hiryu
Marvel Vs. Capcom/Strider
マーヴル VS. カプコン , Sひりゅう
Designer: Wayne
Worn By: Wayne
Conception: October 1, 1998
Picture Date: July 22, 2000
Appearances: San Diego Comicon 2000
Components: Cypher, Grappling Hook, Grappling Hook Case and Straps, Purple Kimono, Black Undershirt, White Belt, Purple Baggy Pants, Purple Shoes, Taped Arm Wraps, Taped Shin Wraps, Red Cummerbund, Red Mask and Scarf
Powers Gained: 1. Long Range Cypher
2. Ouroboros (provided by my Orbitty)
3. Legion (from my metal sabertooth tiger and hawks)
4. Ragnarok
5. A masked costume, and no fangirl will glomp me with Cypher and the Grappling Hook
Drawbacks: 1. Must take very good care of Cypher lest it skewer someone on it's own
2. Difficult to talk and breathe
3. White Belt doesn't like to stay where it is
4. Look at the Baroque Satin and it wrinkles.
Story: As you can see from the time, I've been itching to dress up as this character for quite some time. Him, Captain Commando and Jin Saotome were all drafted at similar times, but Strider's Cypher blade was a puzzle to make. So I put Strider on hold. Also that thing he carries on his back, I had no idea what it was until I got hold of the cheapo Strider Action Figure they put out, and found it was his grappling hook that he uses to scale walls. Gee. I would have to make that too. After conveniently acquiring some metal joints, and applying my katana knowledge I decided with a weeks worth of time to get Strider on the way. This is one of the few costumes that I got more of the costume done than the prop first since I'm more comfortable with baroque satin and kimonos. Even though I knew what to do, actually getting the aluminum to behave for Cypher was a different story. As well as the painting the red streak on it. It had to be done twice cos it was very finicky. I'm quite familiar with all of Strider Hiryu (highest class Strider mind you) MvsC moves so posing for the camera is easy, lest I stab someone with Cypher.

Strider Hiryu Strider Hiryu Strider Hiryu Strider Hiryu Strider Hiryu

Strider Hiryu Strider Hiryu Strider Hiryu Strider Hiryu

Strider Hiryu Strider Hiryu Strider Hiryu Strider Hiryu Strider Hiryu

Strider Hiryu Strider Hiryu Strider Hiryu Strider Hiryu Strider Hiryu

Strider Hiryu Strider Hiryu Strider Hiryu Strider Hiryu Strider Hiryu

Strider Hiryu Strider Hiryu Strider Hiryu Strider Hiryu Strider Hiryu


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For Group Pictures and Event Photos Related to this Costume,
Please Visit My Team Home Page of the
Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts
Specifically: AGSMA at the San Diego Comic Con 2000
The costume gallery starts here and click next image for the rest (about 25 pics).

PSOC Strider Hiryu

Wayne's Perfect Spin Off Cosplay (PSOC) ゥ.
Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts (AGSMA) ゥ.
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