Tony's Profile


Here is a little about me.........

Nickname - Tone/Buster
Favourite After Shave - Cool Water by Davidoff
Favourite Food - Canoloni
Favourite Dessert - You!! and when you're not avaliable my Dad's Apple Pie
Favourite Drink - Apple Juice
Favourite Acholic Drink -
Vodka and Lemonade
Favourite Friend - Ramiro (keeps him happy anyway!)
Favourite Object - Cuddle Gorilla given by a friend, Paul
Favourite Colour - Blue (if you hadn't guessed)
Favourite Toy - My Peugeot106 GTI(at the moment)
Best Friends - All my close friends
Best advice you have been given - Safe Sex
Best advice you have given - Stop Smoking
Favourite people - My parents
Favourite person in your life - No one at the moment :o(
Coolest experience - Most recent would be my friend Julie having a baby!
Scariest expreience - Car Accident
Strongest Talents - Logical and Perspective thinking
Favourite memory - First Time I had Sex!!
Future goals - To Travel the World

and what I enjoy watching........

Favourite Series - Friends (Ellen when Friends aren't on! )
Favourite Film - Recently it would have to be 'Sliding Doors'
Favourite Cartoon - Spider man and his amazing friends
Favourite Actor - Leonardo Di Caprio
Favourite Actress - Julia Roberts

and when I'm not watching telly I love listening to.....

Favourite CD Single - Janet Jackson 'Together Again'
Favourite CD - Celine Dion 'Let's Talk About Love'
Favourite CD (The old favourite) - ABBA...who else!!!!
Favourite Clubing CD - The House Collection - Club Classics
Favourite Song (At the moment)- Run - DMC V's Jason Nevins
Favourite Musician - Janet Jackson
Favourite Music Group - Texas 'White on Blonde'

and a few other things which you might want to know........

Favourite Holiday Destination - I haven't been there yet but it would be Australia/New Zealand
Favourite Item of Clothing - Blue Nike cap....given by Michael a friend who is away!!
Favourite Designer - Patrick competition
Favourite Knitting Pattern - Only kidding
Favourite PC Game - Dark Reign by Activision
Favourite Magazine - Men's Health
Favourite Car - BMW Z3
Favourite Sport - Badminton
Favourite Water Sport - Jet Skiing
Favourite Interest - Photography
Favourite Pass Time - Making new friends and amusing my old ones!! (easily done)
Favourite Excercise - Sex...........what else!!
Favourite thing to wear - nothing if I can!!!
One Wish - Peace and Respect for Mother Earth!




Well that's me more or less in a nut shell, what do you think........?!

If you like what you have read then e-mail me, but don't forget to put my name in the subject field!!




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