25 April, 2000

More than a month has passed since I last wrote. I must be getting lazy or something. I do have a somewhat valid excuse tho!! When I think of it, i'll let you know.

So far nothing major has happened. Been the same routine you know and love, work and school, work and school, life, work and school. Ive been making it thru work just fine. Almost quit due to some unfortunate incidents involving me, a computer, and some cash. That worked itself out fine and I havent had a problem since. Thankfully I listened to key people who told me to ride it out before I make a hasty decision. The money is too good to miss out on and I kinda sorta do like my job. I'll deny it all if word spreads tho!

As far as a social life, i've been hanging out with family and friends more. It all started ou with me begining to like going to a club called Rage in West hollywood Thursday nights. Tons o fun but the music could use some variety... the drums tend to get a tad bit boring. Lots of cute boys, lots of room to walk and talk, not that much dance room, all adds up to an interesting night. After that.. the ball started rolling. My cousins and I started going paint ball again now that we cuoldnt freeze to death crawling in the middle of nowhere. For those of you who think that paintball hurts, it really doesnt. What hurts is all the sliding off cliffs, banging your knee against a rock, running thru thorny bushes, and tons of other neat obstacles. Still is fun and gives ya a really awesome adrenaline rush. Give it a try... i'll let ya know when we go next. I'll post some pics of us with my cousin's ROTC Flight Squad all decked out for battle. Wiped me out for the rest of the night but God did it feel great. The next crazy event was attending my cousin's ROTC Awards Dinner. Now if you have never attended a military function, I suggest you get use to a lot of formalities cause it'll bore the hell outa ya. The dinner was pretty good but I enjoyed scoping everybody out... lots of hotties and I love getting dressed up and looking spiffy. I was sporting a new dark look, dark grey button up shirt, black tie and black slacks. All I needed was some ray bans and it would have looked perfect. I had a fun time tho after the dinner ended, dancing and meeting all the Cadets. Thats not the end of it tho... summer is just starting and there is plenty more planned! I dont know where im gonna get the money for all this but it'll be worth it... I hope.

Well... after 4 months, my boi and I broke up. What can I say? I did what I could, could I have done more? I dunno... and I don't think I want to torture myself by thinking about it. I don't regrett ever going thru it all, one of the best and most memorable times in my life. Who knows... maybe one day in the future. For now though... I wish him the best in what he is pursuing. I hope that we keep in touch tho and stay close but somehow I doubt thats going to be the case. We aren't mad or angry at each other, just that the situation doesn't leave that open as a possibility. Still... things happen for the best.Whatever, I love him... and wish him the very best cause he deserves it.

That about sums things up I believe. Im still going dancing and talking to folks and attempting to enjoy life. I've met lots of interesting people and have learned alot in the past month or so. We'll not a whole lot but still you'd be semi-impressed with what I know! Never forget that life is worth living so make the best of it. Till next time!
