Poetry For All Ages

I hope you enjoy the poems you read here. I wrote most of the myself, the others I have pulled from forwards or are the poetry my friends have written. I think the lil forest scenario works best... kinda odd when you're use to seeing stars. Enjoy!

Bout Love

I remember the first time I laid eyes on you...
I thought to myself,
"How could a man be totally possessed,
Heart, Mind, and Soul to only one?
What drives me to feel your touch against my flesh?
To be held, To be loved, To be protected.
What makes you so beautiful?
Your face etched in my mind... seen a thousand times over and over.
How could just a simple 'hello' from your lips bring burning passion?
Each word seared into my soul... eager to be heard once more.
How could I love so desperately?"
Then I looked into your eyes...
And I knew.
-Bryant Belarmino
April 22, 1997


I thought of you last night,
While I laid here underneath the stars.
On a night so peaceful that I
Dreamnt of us together underneath
The same sky,
And I cried.

-Bryant Belarmino
May 5, 1997

This next poem was on a forward i recieved following the death of Matthew Shepard.The author is unknown since it was from a forward but I really loved the way it is written so I am sharing it with you.

May Love ALWAYS Remind Us Of What Is Truly Important

Dancing Man

It's a surprising sight
to see a man
dancing through the sky.
And still,
it's comforting
to know he's there.
He dances there,
in his nakedness,
above the world in his beauty.
His soft foot
brushes a cloud -
his breath offers cool wind.
The stars make up his eyes.
His shadow casts the night,
and his vibrant aura the day.
The tips of his fingers
stream threads of rainbows
through the air.
And look!
Another dancing man.
He finds his way
up to the sky,
and they dance together for all eternity
in perfect love and perfect tust.
And no one tries to stop them
because they only bring peace behind them.
The crescent moon
is their smile of happiness,
and it shines up on us
as long as we remember
that the beauty of love far surpasses
whatever hatred or intolerance
mankind has for difference.
Come, no,
dance with them -
take my hand
and fly
with the dancing man.