Tomes of Miscellany

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W A R N I N G !

This review does not represent the opinions of the general public. It reflects my personal thoughts and opinions on the book.

That said, on to the review!

Title: The Hundred and One Dalmatians
Author: Dodie Smith
Publisher: Avon Books
Format: Paperback
Copyright Date: 1956/1979

Thanks to the recent release of the live-action version of a classic Disney animated movie, just about everybody in America knows about the 101 Dalmatians. The differences between the two movies notwithstanding--well, one's animated and the other one's live, of course--both movies are splendid examples of adaptations of an enjoyable novel. I myself saw the animated movie first and read the book second, then saw the more recent movie. Would it surprise you to know that there are major differences between the movies and the books? And would it surprise you to know that I think some of the charm of the book was lost in the movie because certain sections were cut? Probably not. Most adaptations do take liberties with the text; that's inevitable.

In case you didn't actually see either movie, here's the general plot. The Pongos have two wonderful human pets, the Dearlys. They also have the advantage of having Nanny Cook and Nanny Butler to help out. Things progress naturally and the Pongos are soon expecting puppies. However, Cruella de Vil, an old school acquaintance of Mrs. Dearly's, takes a fancy to their spotted coats and begins scheming to make dogskin coats: Dalmation dogskin coats. The Dearlys refuse to sell the Pongos' puppies to Cruella, however, and she makes...other arrangements. Soon enough, the puppies disappear, leaving the Pongos, the Dearlys, the Nannies, and Perdita--a sort of foster mother to the puppies--despairing of ever seeing them again. The Pongos set out to find the puppies, but can they do it before Cruella decides to deprive them of their spotted coats? And even if they do, can they hope to rescue them and get them home safely?

Now, what was missing from the movies that should have been in them? Well, Perdita, for one. Now there was a good character that could have helped in shaping the movie. No, not the Perdita in the movies but the one from the book. The "Perdi" in the movies was actually Missis in the book, though you wouldn't know that if you didn't read the book. There was also the old Spaniel that would have made for a nice intermission from the urgency of the Pongos' quest. Then, too, the scene with Sir Charles, the firelight, and the "ghost" dogs was a touching one in the book and would have made a really nice one in the movie. Sigh. So many lost opportunities, including the image of Cruella's absolutely simple white mink coat disappearing into the passage and the vision of Cruella's black-and-white hair turning white-and-green ("a horrid shade" as the Persian cat said).

If you really enjoyed the movies--either the animated one, or the live-action one, or both--then you should really read the book, too. You might think it a children's book, but the live-action movie certainly wasn't exclusively a children's movie, even if it was from Disney. It's really the perfect thing to curl up with when you want to read something relaxing and aesthetically pleasing.

Rating: Thumbs up! Find out who the One-hundred and one Dalmatians really were!

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