Welcome to the land of mystery, where the impossible is possible, and the improbable the reality. Join me as I investigate worlds filled with magic and meet the souls that wield this wondrous powers.
This review does not represent the opinions of the general public. It reflects my personal thoughts and opinions on the book.
That said, on to the review!
Fortress of Eagles is the second in a four-book set. As a sequel to an intense novel, it goes far towards establishing Tristen's increasing role in the fate of Ylesuin, as well as increasing Tristen's self-knowledge and knowledge of the world.
One thing which struck me as memorable was how Tristen saw Lines running amiss in the Quinalt sanctuary, the center of the kingdom's dominant faith. I remember from other books and from history classes how sometimes the conquerors built their churches and temples and shrines over the ruins of the churches and temples and shrines of the conquered. Maybe there is some sort of spiritual quality about those sites that encourages the rebuilding of places of worship over and over again in the same places. Some sort of power gathered there, perhaps? Or maybe it has to do with strategic locations? Or maybe it's more political manuevering, only on a larger scale. I can't say what the case is in this book without giving the whole thing away, so you'll just have to find out for yourself.
Like all books of this caliber, Fortress of Eagles isn't the easiest of books to read, especially for those who need scorecards of who comes from where and in what function. Fortunately, this novel has a lexicon that makes it all the easier, so don't feel intimidated. Give it a try!
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