Welcome to the land of mystery, where the impossible is possible, and the improbable the reality. Join me as I investigate worlds filled with magic and meet the souls that wield this wondrous powers.
This review does not represent the opinions of the general public. It reflects my personal thoughts and opinions on the book.
That said, on to the review!
Fortress of Dragons completes the four-book set and concludes the story begun in Fortress in the Eye of Time. All the questions are answered, and all the loose ends wrapped up, including--to Tristen's relief, no doubt--whether or not the magic that brought him into being will allow him to live beyond his first birthday.
Tristen has shaped up into a well-intentioned, sometimes impulsive but increasingly more thoughtful ruler. I think it's sad that he has to justify to others all the actions he takes to ensure his king's safety and survival, when anyone with a smidgen of sense knows that the things he does are only right and just. Despite his growing involvement in politics and mundanity, I enjoyed every instance in which Tristen stepped out of the role he's shaping for himself to do battle in the arcane way against the forces threatening his land. And the way he slips back into his day-to-day role is just as impressive. And when he saves the baby...well, you'll just have to read it for yourself.
Fortress of Dragons, like its predecessors, is a tale of epic proportions, despite that it takes place in only about a single season. Which means, then, that this book is filled with powerful, interesting, compelling writing that you won't want to miss reading. Enough said. Get the book and get to it!
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