"See the fish symbol on the wall? That explains everything".

The above symbol is called the Vescica Piscis. First drawn by the early gnostics but is suposedley a map of reality would you believe! No? Well tough! Cos it fits with the storyline. If you extend the curves of the tail at their present trajectory they will wrap round to the head creating two intersecting circles like this....

The two circles represent two metauniverses, one healthy and the other diseased. The overlapping of the two creates a hologram which is commonly known as OUR universe. The overlapping of two metauniverses which are opposites of each other creates a third, unique from either of the two parent bodies.

Takashi puts it like this...

Think of timespace as a multidimensional self-perfecting system in which everything that has ever, or will ever occur, occurs simultaneously. I beleive timespace is a kind of object, a geometrical supersolid. I believe it may even be a type of hologram in which energy and matter are byproducts of the overlapping of two higher systems...




The invisible college rests on the boundry of the healthy metauniverse, likewise the Archons' outer church rests on the border of the diseased metauniverse.

When the time comes on the day of December 22nd 2012 the healthy universe will disengage itself from the diseased universe, and since there will no longer be any overlap, it will cause the breakdown of our spacetime.

King Mob and Ragged Robin put that like this...

It's a primitive diagram of how a hologram works. That little section is us......All of timespace is contained in that lens shape.

...Two Universes?

More like meta-universes, I suppose you'd call them; they exist on a higher scale.

One, this one [Invisible College's] , is healthy, the other's become terminally sick, deranged. Our universe is a hologram formed by their overlap. The Academy occupies something like space on the boundry wall of the healthy metauniverse. The Archons' outer church lies on the periphery of the infected metauniverse. The healthy metauniverse is trying to save us before it disengages from it's dying twin and spacetime collapses.

Right, now that that's out of the way, go back to Funk the system or 120 Issues of sod all Vol.2

(depending on where you came from).