Jeri Lynn Ryan

Jeri Ryan plays Seven of Nine on Star Trek Voyager. Seven is a powerful space version of Catwoman who was assimulated by the Borg as a young girl. She was Annika Hansen, the daughter of Federation scientists who were stationed on the USS Raven. After severed from the Collective by Captain Janeway and separated from her Borg implants by the EMH doctor, she slowly rediscovers her humanity and adapts to life on Voyager.


Neither fully Borg nor fully human, she emerges as a sensuous creature who is both befriended and distrusted by the crew. Captain Janeway has shown her beauty of art and the importance of individuality and freedom. Seven is assigned to the Engineering Department where her memory of Borg technology is invaluable.


Seven of Nine breaks out of Voyager to follow a Borg signal in Raven and helps save the crew in Scientific Method from invisible aliens who are experimenting on the crew.


Jeri Lynn Ryan was born in Munich, Germany. She grew up as an Army brat and who lived all over the USA, graduated from North Western University, and fought aliens as Juliet Stuart in Dark Skies.


Jeri has appeared in Melrose Place, Murder She Wrote, Diagnosis Murder, Madlock, Who's the Boss, the Flash, and the NBC's TV movie In the Line of Duty.

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Star Trek Voyager

Paramount Television

5555 Melrose Ave

Los Angeles, Ca 90038




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