knowledge-gatherer MACROThe Macro aspect is a radio telescope with the capacity to work in unison with others to form what is known as a VLA., or, very large array. There is as precedent one in Utah, U.S.A. VLA (Very Large Array) MICROThe Micro aspect of this vehicle would entail an observing device of the infinitesimally small; evidence of subatomic particles would be sought and disseminated. The Neutrino Observatory in Sudbury is one such project. Neutrinos are the most recent of increasingly tinier theoretical particles currently being sought. Schematic of geodetic sphere The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) contains over 1000 tonnes of heavy water borrowed from Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) in a 12m diameter acrylic vessel. Neutrinos interact with the third hydrogen atoms of the heavy water (D2O) to produce flashes of light known as Cherenkov radiation. Over 10,000 photomultiplier tubes detect this emitted light over a ten year period and send the accumulated data to the labs above ground.. They are situated in a geodesic array surrounding the suspended heavy water vessel. The detector is immersed in light (regular) water within a 30m barrel-shaped cavity lined with very dense building blocks. The depth of the mine itself provides a geophysical shield from the interference of cosmic rays. The detector laboratory area is maintained in clean-room conditions to reduce background radiation signals which would otherwise hide the fragile signal from neutrinos. The physicists themselves assembled the pre-fitted parts of the geodetic dome after scrubbing down in the adjacent shower rooms. As outlandish as this may seem, it also has precedent in a similar project on Antarctica. That one has been compromised by the extreme pressures of the freeze-thaw cycles and is nowhere near the scope of the Sudbury experiment. |