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Anglican, Episcopal, and Other Christian Web Sites

Franciscan Cross Maryann Jackman's
Dancing St. Francis Franciscans International
Logo NAAD Logo Society of Archbishop
Justus Seal The Episcopal
Church Welcomes You Vergers' Guild of the Episcopal
ANGFRAN-L TSSF Franciscans
NAAD Society of
The Episcopal

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The Anglican Franciscan List conveys information and discussions of special interest to Franciscans in the worldwide Anglican Communion.  Its chief purposes are to provide support, connectedness, spiritual resources, and a greater sense of community and renewed mission for Anglicans who seek to follow Christ in the spirit of St. Francis and St. Clare.  Membership is open to anyone willing to uphold these purposes, regardless of religious affiliation.

Anglicans Online

Anglicans Online is the weekly magazine of the Anglican Communion.  This site has a wide range of links (links, news, resources, etc.) related to things Anglican.

Community of St. Francis (First Order Sisters) - American Province

Inspired by Francis, the Sisters of the Community of St. Francis desire to be instruments of God's love, as made known through our Savior Jesus Christ.  Through the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, we form a community which strives to reflect in our corporate daily living the dominion of God and to witness in the world to the hope, joy and reconciliation of God's dominion.

The Daily Office (from the Mission of St. Clare)

This site lets you select the text of Morning or Evening Prayer (Rite II) from a monthly calendar for reading online or printing.  The text includes the appropriate Psalm and other readings and a selection of extra prayers.  The Mission of St. Clare is a cyber-parish that maintains this site.  Check out its other features!

The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana

Diocesan Intercessory Prayer List

WELCOME to the web page for the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana.  The Diocese of Louisiana is one church, faithful to Jesus Christ, united in mission, reaching out to the unchurched.  We live in joyous expectation of the power of grace and divine compassion in our lives.  We are a theologically open tradition and believe that our diversity is a source of health and strength for the individual and the church family.  Our church is biblical, apostolic, catholic, and by grace, constantly renewed and refreshed. It is a tradition that always points to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  In the Episcopal Church responsibility for the spiritual, moral, and theological life is always put upon the individual and is not assumed by others.  Fellow Christians stand ready to assist, share, and help when called upon, but there is the beginning of a deep maturity in Christ in taking responsibility for one's Christian journey.  You are invited to join us for worship in any of our 51 congregations across southeast Louisiana.

The Episcopal Church

The "official" home page of the Episcopal Church.

Franciscans International

The Franciscan Family is present as a non-governmental organization (NGO) at the United Nations under the title of Franciscans International.  Franciscans International enjoys General Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).  Be sure to visit the Franciscans International - North America site, too.

North American Association for the Diaconate

The North American Association for the Diaconate is an organization in the Anglican churches of North America:  the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada.  Through its publications, conferences, and vigorous activity, NAAD promotes renewal of the diaconate, supports deacons and dioceses, and engages in theological dialogue about ministry.

Society of Archbishop Justus Computer Service

The Society of Archbishop Justus operates an Internet server in Palo Alto, California, USA, and another in Ithaca, New York, USA. Their computers host a variety of public and private Web pages, including an Anglican resource collection; Anglicans Online; several cathedral and diocesan pages, pages for a variety of Anglican organizations, and the Society of St. Francis (European Province).

Society of St. Francis (First Order Brothers) - American Province

The Society of Saint Francis is a worldwide religious community of the Anglican Communion.  Throughout its four provinces, the Society witnesses to the Good News of Jesus Christ following the example of its patron, St. Francis of Assisi. This is the American Province page.

Society of Saint Francis - European Province

This is the European Province page for the Society of Saint Francis.

Third Order of the Society of St. Francis

The Third Order, a religious order within the Society of Saint Francis, consists of those men or women, married or single, clergy or laity - who, though following the ordinary professions of life are called to dedication through lifelong discipline and vow.  Like the Friars and Sisters of the First Order, and the Sisters of the Second Order, they dedicate themselves to our Lord as instruments of His peace.  Tertiaries seek to fulfill the special aims of the Third Order through the Three Ways of Service.

"Unofficial" Episcopal Church Home Page

This is an unofficial home page for the Episcopal Church.  The primary purpose of this home page is to serve as a repository for information relevant to the Episcopal Church, and secondarily, information for other provinces of the Anglican Communion.

Vergers' Guild of the Episcopal Church (VGEC) Home Page

This is an home page for the Vergers Guild of the Episcopal Church (VGEC).  The VGEC, founded in 1989, exists to support and nurture the office and ministry of the verger in the Episcopal Church in the USA and is associated with the Church of England Guild of Vergers.  It has members from every corner of the United States and many new members serving the Anglican Church of Canada.  The verger is a uniquely lay ministry of the church largely exercised behind the scenes that provides support for all those, ordained and lay, who participate in Anglican/Episcopal worship.

Buddhist Web Sites

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Blue Iris Sangha

Wisdom Dharma Circle (Discussion Group)

Hindu Web Sites

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Please suggest sites to include in this list of links.

Islamic Web Sites

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Jewish Web Sites

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Shamanic, Wiccan and Other Pagan Web Sites

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Circle of Crescent City Pagans (Eclectic)

Covenant of the Pentacle Wiccan Church - ATC (Wiccan/Pagan)

Coven of the Twilight Grove (Eclectic)

inCircle Pagan Community Center (Eclectic)

Order of the Klêidouchos (Hellenic)

The Religious Order of Witchcraft (American)

Wicca New Orleans (Wiccan Eclectic)

The Witches´ Voice, especially the Louisiana members

Yahoo! Group:  New Orleans Witches

This page was last updated on January 19, 2004
© 1999-2004 Frank P. Boimare III