Windhowl Holt


  1. Setting
  2. Elves
  3. Clothing and Hair
  4. Bond Animals
  5. Pets
  6. Magic
  7. Society
  8. Other Inhabitants
  9. Things to Note


The holt is set within a mountain range of a heavily forested area. Winter brings snow, and summers tend to be on the mildly warm side. Overall annual rainfall is high and the ground cover is quite extensive. Streams and lakes abound as do waterfalls over the rock of the mountains. The tribe exists by hunting and gathering with the added help of gardens tended by some of the elves.

In a low lying valley about a week and a half Southeast from the holt is a swamp with an area of bad magic. Occasionally creatures deformed by the magic have made their way into the holt's territory and have had to be dealt with.

(Graphic of the holt.)


Are mostly wolf-blooded, though a few pure bloods remain. They are 3'5" to 4'6" in height. Ears are fairly long.

Clothing and Hair

Clothing tends to be fairly practical, especially among the hunters who are out in the woods and need the protection. The elves have access to woven cloth and leathers as materials. Heavy leathers and furs are the common winter clothing. Hunters also tend to bind their hair when out of the holt, to minimize it getting caught on thorns and brambles.

Bond Animals

Wolves with a bit of elf blood in them are the main bond animal. Occasionally an elf has bonded with another canine such as foxes, though this is rare, since it is the elf blood in the wolves that makes the bond stronger.


Small animals are allowed as pets (no large herbivores such as deer or horses), though an elf is responsible for the feeding, care and protection for said pet. Small canines, felines and birds are the most common pets. Prey animals - such as large birds, squirrels and rabbits are not usually made pets since the wolves tend view them as handy food, and in the lean times, they might be considered as food by more than just the wolves.


Practically all the elves have sending and animal bonding. A few have magic sense. Other magics by approval of the editors, though magic in general will be kept low, as more emphasis is placed on skill.


The tribe is lead by a chief, Icebane, who has a group of advisors whose advice he listens to if not always takes. Other positions include: Weaponsmaster, Elder and Lead Hunter. All elves are trained to protect themselves and to hunt or gather, even those that stay within the holt area most of the time. Life always gives unexpected challenges, and it's best to be prepared.

Other Inhabitants

The main enemies are a group of nomadic humans, whose hunting range varies. Also, a somewhat friendly group of humans lives a bit away. Trolls are quite a bit to the North, and while the elves have had some contact with them, usually violent, both sides tend to avoid the other.

Things to Note

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For any questions about the holt and for information on joining, please contact Annette Pschirrer

Copyright © 1997, 2001 All Rights Reserved
This page maintained by Chris McAllister
Last Updated 26 April 2001