The Brak Show Quotes - Ep. 6

Laverne and Brak (Mobab)

Brak's Dad: Mother, have you seen my blue velet warm-up suit?
Brak's Mom: Isn't it in your exercise drawer?
Brak's Dad: Oh well how will I know that unless YOU go open the drawer and look?
Brak's Mom: Honey, can't you do that yourself?
Brak's Dad: Yes, but then what would be the point of me asking you to do it?

Brak: Hey are you guys fighting?
Brak's Mom: No, dear. Your father's just behaving like an ass.
Brak's Dad: Well you should know. You married one.

That's my mom
She goes by the name of mom
M is for her razz-matazz
O is for the way she talks
The other M is there because
You can't have a mom without M's

Good old mom, with cookie crumbs in her hair
I miss her so
Who's gonna acid wash my jeans?
Who's gonna pork my pork and beans?
(Brak's Dad)Who will rinse my mustache clean?
(Brak and Dad)Where for art thou mom?

