Widget: "(sigh) Yet another blind date--why do I get the weird chicks with green hair? Oh, well...guess I'll have to like it or 'lum' it!" |
Meldrick: Let's see.....Tank, plus jerk, plus heroine....Tank,jerk,heroine....tanjerkheoine? Tanjeroine.....tanjerine! And the pig humping the watermellon is the japanese symbol for dream. Tanjerine Dream! |
Elmyra Duff: Ohh... Look at the sweet melons.. um... melon she has. |
Elmyra Duff: Hey, I said firefight, not food fight! |
Elmyra Duff: No, Sam, I will not pet the cute little kitty witty fuzzy head. I'm allergic to cats! |
Elmyra Duff: Just drink this, and that big tushie will go away... |
Elmyra Duff: No sir. Pippi Longstocking won't be in till next week. Have some free popcorn. |
Elmyra Duff: He's thinking, "That nurse has *really* cold hands!" He's saying, "Hel----lo Nurse!" |
Jazzsoda Driven to the depths of poverty by the failure of EuroSpiceWorld, the remaining Spice Girls turned to a life of crime and robbery to support their bubblegum habits. |
JediClone: For girls so full of hot air they need bowling balls to weigh them back down to Earth, dial 5 now. |
JediClone: Proposed "Caption This!" TV ad... "Where will *you* be when your screengrabber starts working? What will you be doing? How will you ever live down the shame?" |
JediClone: ... and Robert Downey Jr as "The Bitch" |
JediClone: Ah, the old "Al's tacky outfits give Sam neural hallucinations and epileptic fits" episode. |
JediClone: I reckon you better get outta town before the shootout. It aint gona be pretty. 'Cause no one is a faster draw than "Slackjaw McGraw"! |
JediClone: Tonight on Jerry Springer: Crossdresing Neo Nazi Buddy Holly lookalikes and inbred lesbian strippers with superfluous nipples. Our topic: "Who would you do for a Klondike Bar?" |
Jazzsoda Filling his pants to the brim with 97 octane always gave Chris visions of the teenage girl he'd knocked up last year at the farmer's market. Maybe it was the fumes. |
Jazzsoda It's always a bad sign when on the first day of school, your mom stops you in front of everybody and writes your name on your underwear with a magic marker. |
Jazzsoda Everybody always wants to get into the Sliders world where feudal states have lasted into the 20th century... and all the horses look exactly like John Travolta. |
Jazzsoda Those secret back rooms at Disneyland that we always hear rumors of: "You will love Big Brother!" "No!" "Okay, time for the Donald Duck hat! Haha!" "No! Walt is evil I say! Walt is- *squeak* *squeak* Heh, hey, that's kinda fun! I want to go on the Matterhorn!" |
Jazzsoda John Fujoshima is the world's leading expert on water color paint cross-contamination. |
Jazzsoda "Did you hire Ralph Steadman to wash our windows again?" "What, you're saying you don't like it?" |
Jazzsoda "Jesus Sam, I know you're leaping out of this body again in a few days anyway but did you ever think of how this guy's gonna feel when he wakes up with his schwartz stuck in a beer bottle?" |