------Knights Of the Phoenix

Strong alone, Invincible together


Squires Flame Talon Shadow Guard
Tactica Offices Ranks Communication Archives



Squire Instructor

(Emissary (S*P))

The Squires instructors are older non-pvp players who have volunteered to help our newest members build up their characters and begin their initial initiation into our orders.

Phoenix Initiate

(Rolin (S*P))

Initiates are newer players learning the ways of the game. While this rank is open to all applicants providing that they are not banned by a marshal or other "lord" knight, This is mean to be a training period.

Phoenix Squire

(Member (S*P))

This is a title for members who have mastered dispatching the monsters throughout Brittania, While they are not generally exceptional in their fighting prowess they are learning

Requirements: prove to satisfaction of appropriate Marshal, or grand master your ability in PvM combat

"Order" Knight

(Member (K*P))

Be the Mages of the order of the flame, Warriors of the Talon, or the rogues of the shadow, These characters have come along nicely on the mission of being able to defend the order and our objectives. They are the base of our orders fighting strength.

Requirements: prove to satisfaction of appropriate Marshal, or grand master your ability in PvP combat, knight in valor, Have downloaded teamspeak from www.goteamspeak.com

"Order" Guardian

(Emissary (K*P))

Having served in defense of the orders and the knighthood, The guardians serve as squad commanders of three knights in combat. They are expected to be able to hold there own and defend their charges.

Requirements: prove to satisfaction of appropriate Marshal, or grand master your ability in PvP combat, knight in valor,. Recruited and trained 3 knights. Have downloaded teamspeak from www.goteamspeak.com

"Order" Lord

(Emissary (K*P))

Serve as company commanders over 9 knights and 3 guardians. They serve as the largest unit in normal combat conditions.

Requirements: prove to satisfaction of appropriate Marshal, or grand master your ability in PvP combat, knight in valor,. Trained 1 company (9 knights 3 Guardians). Have downloaded teamspeak from www.goteamspeak.com


"Order" Marshal

(War leader (K*P))

Commanding lords of each of the suborders they are responsible for the training and recruitment of each order. They are guarded in combat by a members of the Phoenix Guard and serve as advisors to the grandmaster..

Have downloaded teamspeak from www.goteamspeak.com

Phoenix Guard

(Emissary (K*P))

The Phoenix Guard are the elite guard and shock troops of the high council, They are sworn to defend the orders objectives at all cost.

Requirements: prove to satisfaction of appropriate Marshal, or grand master your ability in PvP combat, knight in valor.Have downloaded teamspeak from www.goteamspeak.com

Phoenix Auxiliary

(Member (K*P) or (S*P))

The Phoenix Auxiliary are members of the knighthood who are not members of the standard command structure, such as bards and non-active members who serve at the behest of the high council

Requirements: prove to satisfaction of appropriate Marshal, or grand master your ability in PvP combat, or your area of expertise ,knight in valor.Have downloaded teamspeak from www.goteamspeak.com

Phoenix "Crafter"

(Member (K*P) or (S*P))

The Phoenix "crafters" are members of the knighthood who are not members of the standard command structure, but provide valuable services such as crafting weapons and armor. Thier actual title does not have "crafter" but rather the specific craft in which their talents lie.

Requirements: prove to satisfaction the of  the Grandmaster Have downloaded teamspeak from www.goteamspeak.com