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My PaGe

Click Here to hear some people talking about cheese monkeys on the radio.
The people are from the Lewis & Clark Community College. They are real cool.

lookie here. go to this place to tell me what I should put on my site if I ever get un-lazy.

Here's some stuff about me:

Age: who cares?

Where I live: Florissant, Missouri (in St. Louis)

favorite stuff(and things): cheese, monkeys, cows/cattle, things that spin, aliens, SLUH, Primus, music, playing guitar, ice cream, bears, Cake, sublime, Local H, Katie, playing bass, my bass, NIN, Tool, doorknobs, juggling, monkeys made entirely of cheese, things, stuff, and stuff and things that are cool. and stuff.
A note: the alphabet is no longer part of my 'favorite stuff(and things)' list because it is no longer one of my favorite anythings.
Another note: recent additions to my 'favorite stuff(and things)' list include: Katie, playing bass, my bass, NIN, and Tool.

And that's all I have to say about that.

To see my Cheese Monkey page, click here.
For some ok links that may or may not work, click here.
To see my mostly-crappy Space Ghost links page, click here
To see an old picture of my brother and sister and a newer picture of my brother and some of his friends with M.C. HAMMER (!!!!!!!), click here.
Click here to see my theology project.
Click here to see a DAMN lot of spinning cyber-cheese.

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