• Battle Debris
•Roll normally to see if a damaged ship explodes. If it does the following damage is applied to any ship/s in range immediately.
•Escorts have a one inch radius blast, this causes 1d6 damage to any ships in that area. Shields have no effect.
•Cruisers have a two inch radius blast, this causes 2d6 damage to any ships within one inch and 1d6 damage to any ships between one and two inches. Shields have no effect.
•Capital ships and Bases have a three inch radius blast, this causes 3d6 damage to any ships within one inch, 2d6 damage to any ships between one and two inches and 1d6 two any ships within two to three inches. All Bases count as Capital ships for explosion purposes. Shields have no effect.
•Fighters caught in an explosion will roll the same number of dice as above but will count the rolls like PDAF hits.
•The debris cloud will move for one turn, at the ships previous velocity and in the ships previous direction. It will cause no damage to ships it encounters, it will block line of sight and line of fire while on the table.
• Carriers
Note: these rules only affect Carriers (Patrol, Light, Fleet and Type 4 Base).
•Carriers can launch and retrieve fighter groups while the carrier is changing speed or turning.
•Carriers can launch and retrieve up to a total of two fighter groups per turn.
•Carriers can rearm fighter groups:
•The fighter group lands (first turn),
•The fighter group spends one turn aboard the carrier (second turn),
•The fighter group can then launch (third turn).
•Fighter groups rearming can use "Emergency launch" (they may not scramble). If they have landed and want to launch on the following turn (second turn) then they must roll a d6 on the following table:
1 Disaster. The fighter group and the fighter bay are completely destroyed and cannot be repaired.
2 Mishap. The fighter group and the fighter bay are damaged. To become functional again will require a damage control party to sort the situation out. The fighter cannot be rearmed or launched until the bay is repaired.
3/4 Failure. No launch this turn, may launch normally next turn.
5/6 Success. Fighter group launches no problems.
• Fighters
•When launched fighter groups may only make a half move in phase 6 of the turn sequence.
•Fighter types only need to be revealed when they make their attack, are shot at or are involved in a Dogfight.
•Fighter groups can take as long as they need to return to their parent ship.
•New fighter types are included at the end of this document.
Note: fighters may not ram.
• Any ship with PDAF's or ADAF's can shoot at any fighter groups in range, whether they are the target of the fighter groups attack or not.
•PDAF's have a range of six inches and cause damage as per the basic rules.
•ADAF's can fire at any target within 12". At up to and including 6" they get to roll 2d6, at over 6" and up to and including 12" they get to roll 1d6. They score damage on the fighter groups as per the basic rules.
• Ramming
•Only ships that are on their last row of damage boxes may attempt to ram.
•A ship may only attempt one ram during the game. If this attempt fails then the ship may not ram again.
•To perform a Ram the two ships must end within two inches of each other.
•The Ramming ship must have specified in it's orders that it is going to Ram.
•the ramming ship must roll a 5 or 6 on a d6 to "attempt" the ram.
•The ramming ship must have a thrust rating and be moving ie a ship with destroyed engines cannot attempt to ram.
•To resolve the Ram, both sides roll 1d6 and add the result to their current Thrust rating. If the Ramming ships total is higher it successfully rams the target and inflicts damage as per the rules. If the target ships total is equal to or higher, it successfully dodges the Ram.
Note: the thrust rating is the number in the engine box not the current speed of the ship. Bases have a thrust rating of 0.