Calgary Radio Control Soaring Society



  1. Membership

-use of flying facilities

-right to participate in all society activities

-must abide by all society rules

-must be a member of the Model Aeronautics Society of Canada(MAAC)

and must provide proof of membership

-must agree to follow MAAC rules

-shall be established by the general membership at the annual meeting prior to the

summer flying season and shall include a junior and an adult membership fee

-if more than one member of a family joins the society, the subsequent fees for adult

members will be 50% of the first adult fee

-adult $20.00/yr.

-junior $5.00/yr

-any member in arrears by 6 months or more from the end of the financial year shall be

suspended and entitled to no further membership benefits until reinstated


  1. Withdrawal of Membership

-by notification of the executive board of the society in writing

-any member upon a majority vote of all members of the society in good standing

may be expelled from membership for any cause which the society deems reasonable

  1. Meetings


  1. Directors and Officers

annual or a special meeting.

President – shall preside at all meetings of the society and the executive board. In his

absence, the vice-president shall preside. In the absence of both, a chairman

may be elected by the meeting.

- the chairman shall set the agenda.

Vice-president – assists the president

- acts as the societies ‘safety officer’

Secretary – keeps the society minutes

Treasurer – provides an annual report and financial statements which includes income,

disbursements, assets and liabilities.

- ensures that it is audited by the two designated society members.

- collects the annual membership fees.

- maintains the annual membership list.

re-election of individual members.

and one other member of the executive.

- a single disbursement of greater than $500.00 requires a

resolution at the general meeting or at a special meeting.


  1. Borrowing Powers – for the purpose of carrying out its objectives, the society may borrow or raise
  2. or secure the payment of money in such manner as it sees fit. This power shall be exercised only under the authority of the society.

  3. Auditing of Society Accounts

general meeting


  1. Custody and Use of the Society Seal – the seal shall be obtained and retained for use by the society
  2. President.


  3. Altering, Rescinding and Adding Bylaws

must be verified and dated by a person authorized by the society

and five general members in good standing


9. Preparation and Custody of Society Records


  1. Inspection of Books and Records
  1. Arbitration of Disputes
  1. Distribution of Assets


Dated this __________day of _____________ 19 ____ .


Name (signature) Complete Address

















Witness (signature) Complete Address















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