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The Hexagon.

This is another structure I found just sort of by playing around. Other than the strange green bricks, it can be built in the real world without difficulty.

The addition of some 1x2 bricks in the inner spaces would make the structure even more stable. If built all in one color, it would make an interesting tower for a castle, I would think.

With the 1x2 bricks added, the structure is easily stable enoungh to put on its side. In fact, I built three of these things, with differing colors and heights, and connected them all with 2x6 bricks. Set on its side, it ended up looking a bit like a set out of a science fiction movie, and the rendering of this via POV-Ray is a future project.

(Again, many thanks to Steve Bliss for providing a valuable insight, and to all the people who have contributed to the parts libraries available on the 'net.)

Think Different.