Issue #2
An Unexplained Newsletter...
Issue #2 - September 20, 1999
Frequency Status: Irregular.
Brought To You By:
The Ultimate Page To The Unexplained
Des (at DJBeirne@home.com)
- The Hiding and Disclosure of The Truth = Government Internet Censorship� With E-Mail Response
From Glenn Campbell.
- Yahoo!Geocities Guestbook = Nothing to Cheer About.
- Still Awaiting Members�
- Back To School! Bummer For A Webmaster, Part II. = 'AN UNEXPLAINED NEWSLETTER�' Forced To
Go To Irregular Publication.
- "Ask DJBeirne."
The Hiding and Disclosure of The Truth � Government Internet Censorship�
After signing up with a website monitoring program to help find out more information on who (and what settings) the people who view my page are using, for the past month I have been keeping a close eye on the visitors to the website. I was soon to discover that a great amount (about 2-4%) of the hits to my site each day, on average, were coming from the United States Government. Although I found this bizarre and asked myself �what in the world does the U.S. Government want to be at my website for?� I realized that their users had every right to be there [as much so as you or I.] However, seeing multiple hits from the Department Of Justice, and the United States Military and Air Force concerned me.
Having information on Area 51 [available at: �www.geocities.com/Area51/Dimension/7500/area51.html�] �The Secret Base of Groom Lake � That �Doesn�t Exist�� I wondered if the Government was at concern with the information put out. So, I decided to make a few phone calls.
First calling the �Area 51 Research Station� [website: www.ufomind.com] � in Rachel, Nevada (the nearest town to the Groom Lake Base) I found out that it was not seem normal to receive that many Government visitors in such a short period of time. When asked who I could speak to about this topic, they replied that I could contact a Mr. Glenn Campbell using the �UFOMind� web-server they have established. I did just that.
The following [in italics] is �Glenn Campbell�s Profile� as stated on the �UFOMind� website:
�Glenn Campbell, 37, is the principal local activist seeking greater government accountability at "Area 51," a secret military base 90 miles north of Las Vegas. Formerly a successful computer programmer in the Boston area, Campbell moved to the remote desert town of Rachel, Nevada, in Jan. 1993 to investigate the many strange stories emanating from the base. His carefully researched book, The Area 51 Viewer's Guide, helped bring mainstream attention to a story that had previously been dominated by UFO "true believers" and conspiracy buffs with little concern for facts.
Although the base was long a center of UFO and airplane lore, Campbell helped turn Area 51 into a mainstream phenomenon. In 1993, when the Air Force announced its intention to expand the military buffer zone and seize two hills offering views of the secret Groom Lake base, Campbell lead the unsuccessful fight to oppose the annexation. This land withdrawal and Campbell's active publicizing of it gave major media outlets the excuse to report on this mysterious facility. Campbell has appeared on ABC World News Tonight and Larry King Live to discuss Area 51 and has been featured in dozens of other TV shows and news articles, including in The New York Times Magazine, Popular Science, Der Spiegel and Esquire. "People can't seem to get enough of Area 51," says Campbell, "even though most of the stories about the place are highly speculative."
Campbell declares himself "seriously interested" in some of the UFO tales emanating from Nevada's military restricted zone, but he dismisses most of the lights-in-the-sky stories reported in Rachel, the town nearest the base. "This place is a circus," says Campbell. "Anyone can make any claim they want here." Campbell points out that the area around this "UFO Capital" is an intense military war games area where exotic looking lights are produced by conventional aircraft on exercise. Campbell says he has seen many spectacular lights in his 2 years living in Rachel, but never any he can't explain.
Campbell distributes information on Area 51 primarily through his massive web site at www.ufomind.com, and he supports his operation with an internet-based business selling related books. He described his role as that of a "clearinghouse" for all available information relating to the secret military base at Groom Lake. He now lives in an apartment in Las Vegas overlooking a remote terminal of the city's airport; here, workers commute to the base daily in unmarked jets under Campbell's vigilant gaze. "I've become a sort of professional irritant to the government," he says, "but democracy needs this kind of vigilance."
Campbell is widely respected for his Area 51 research because he sticks to the facts and a rarely engages in the emotional speculation that dominates the UFO field. "I am fighting for less secrecy and greater government accountability, which are goals everyone can agree with regardless of their view on UFOs," Campbell says.�
With this in mind, I logged into the "UFOMind" server and typed Mr. Campbell an E-Mail through a form supplied. I had heard of the thousands of messages received by Campbell every day, and truly did not expect a message in return. The message I sent to Mr. Campbell explained my situation and the bizarre visits by the Government. His reply was as follows:
"Desmond -
I wouldn't worry about it. If the DOJ [Department Of Justice]
hit your site, it was probably workers playing in their off hours.
It doesn't sound like you posted anything sensitive.
I read the message and was relieved. If anyone would know, it was him. Apparently, it was far more likely that the Government and fellow Agencies were just there to check out the site. For the same reasons that you are here.
Yahoo!Geocities Guestbook = Nothing to Cheer About.
If you have not already noticed, the Yahoo!Geocities supplied Guestbook on The Ultimate Page To The Unexplained has been faulty. Getting into technical terms is not necessary. However, the effects of the Guestbook occasionally not working properly have been that entries cannot be added during these times. I have sent multiple messages to my site host; Yahoo!Geocities, but only to receive generic "form" based E-Mail messages in return. Hopefully, they are working on the problem, and the Guestbook should once again be fully operational within the next few weeks. For now, Yahoo!Geocities's Guestbooks appear to be nothing to cheer about. If the problem is not solved, I plan on looking into a new Guestbook supplier, or possible even finding a new server for the site. Further updates will be available in an issue to follow.
Still Awaiting Members...
As I write this, I see that this list's size has nearly tripled in size over the past couple of weeks. We have received over five more members in a matter of days. Hopefully, the known existence of this list will spread through word of mouth, and it will continue to grow at the rate that it has been showing already. So, be sure to let your friends and family know about the list, and to sign up at The Ultimate Page To The Unexplained (www.geocities.com/Area51/Dimension/7500)!
Back To School! Bummer For A Webmaster, Part II.
As previously addressed in Issue #1, school has in fact proven to hamper the amount of website and mailing list work I have been able to get done. Only able to complete this issue (three days behind schedule) due to the fact that a hurricane swept through town (Floyd) and caused the school distict of the area to close, I have discovered that the production of this list is going to become irregular, and no longer bi-monthly. Hopefully, you can expect a new issue to arrive in your E-Mail boxes as a pleasant surprise before that craving for more paranormal information overwealms your bodies and causes you to run through the streets naked with shoes on your head. Well, either way, Issue #3 is in the works, and will be ready for publication as soon as a get a chance.
Ask "DJBeirne."
Has a piece of specific knowledge been left "unexplained" in YOUR heads? Why not try asking me, DJBeirne?
Have a question? A comment? Just want to be heard? Ask Desmond, and i'll spread the word.
Send your paranormal questions or comments to me, Desmond, through E-Mail at "DJBeirne@home.com" (without the quotes.) If I do not know the answer, I will find out, and will post the question as well as the response right here, in the all new "Ask DJBeirne" section of the Ultimate List To The Unexplained. Every issue, your questions and comments will be posted right here; including a personal response from yours truely! So, what are you waiting for? It's time to get cracking!
Copyright and Distribution:
�AN UNEXPLAINED NEWSLETTER - The Ultimate List To The Unexplained� newsletter will be issued at regular, bi-monthly, intervals. It is primarily a World Wide Web and E-Mail publication, which is the only place you will find the full set of links and images. (The web version may also be "fine tuned" with minor corrections in the few days following publication.) All or part of each issue may be distributed on existing Internet mailing lists for promotional purposes, but no separate E-Mail list will be maintained. At present, there are no plans to issue a printed version of this newsletter.
Copyright (c) 1999, DJBeirne@home.com.
This document may not be reproduced except by permission or as allowed below.
�AN UNEXPLAINED NEWSLETTER - The Ultimate List To The Unexplained� may be freely redistributed, by E-Mail only, to anyone you think may be interested, but only for six months following its publication date. After the six month period has expired, no further reproduction of this issue is allowed without permission. They may not be stored on any website, except our own at www.geocities.com/Area51/Dimension/7500 -- where we expect it to be available indefinitely. No permission is required to link to any issue of the newsletter on our website.
If you appreciate this publication and our many other free research services, and would like to help support this organization, please visit the page at www.geocities.com/Area51/Dimension/7500 and be sure to drop us a line by signing the Guestbook.
For the latest news, updates and discussion, both the website and the list are offered with no charge and is made available to everyone.
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