Lately People wondering about those strange aliens, and where they live.

In the most expensive restaurants, in coffee places and in the Macdonald's, even the squares and hotels, at school and in every home in all wide world, people ask questions and comment about Gloorootoos.

    one day in a Gloorootoos' village

  • In asmall Restaurant In Kiev, named "The white Napoleon's waistcoat", where the waistcoat's sleeves are showed, They say that Bonaparte left it when he was hidding Moscou. In this restaurant people talk about the gloorootoos and their influence in the high elites in the government; Piotr Stravinsky, the owner, and his friend Ivan Romanovsky wondering about Glooroottoos something like a vegetable rencarnation of Rasputin, nevertheless, some wise guy (named Igor Zabludovsky) thought that the true responsible was Boris Malostnov

    Gloorootoos one summer night in the same village

  • In Bosnia the bussines people had thought that the aliens are the result of mutation caused by damages for chemical weapons on the begetables fields
    Anasthassia Milovisevich, the current Sahadarick Ixteriborish's lover, owner of the Hotel named "the Bullet" was talking about the Gloorottoos she saw after eating one salad with Tartary sauce

    Gloorootoos at picnic near the mountains

  • In Japan Takeshi Yashimoto, chairman of Tachida Tunagua Inc., discused with Qihita Mokihto, about the posibility of an american boycott agaist the growing tendences of the japan economy in the world, to jutsify the creation of that phenomenon, elaborate by the NASA, for command of the CIA

    Gloorootoos climbing a mountain
    looking at a metallic castle
    while the sun is going down in the horizon

  • However, In Fortpoisonville, Wayoming, in the McDonal's, Robert Willson, owner, thought that the gloorootoos arrival, was motivated for the rest of the world against the American Way of Life, of course made for the third world's governments with the help of the exsovietic scientist people, trying to take again the power.

    Gloorootoos in a city.
    You can see the senate building

  • In the mexican fondita La Negrita Sabrosona, In Coatzacoalcos Veracruz, Mexico, Renato Gonzalez assiduous client, was comment with Ambrosio Perez that the appearance of the gloorootoos was likely about the PRD and the left political tendences

    Gloorootoos looking at their moon
    in the metallic castle tower

  • The unique place without notices about them, is Galicia Spain, at this, Venancio Ferdeira, told us that maybe is for the great Gloo's hability to hide

Gloorootoos surfing on the air
while are watched by a metallic sphere

Well, this page was made to clarify all doubts existing in the world about them, and for restore their denigrated reputation

What the Gloorootoos are?

The Gloorootoos are extraterrestrial aliens visiting our planet in commemoration of the 50,000 Glooxam birth aniversary, who discovered the way to voyage through the hiperspace, shorten the big distances in the entire universe

In interview Gloochtimidin, the visitor fleet commander in our planet told us
Really we had seriously doubts about coming here, your planet, known as Ixtregloomidia-349, for the space sector that occupy in the astronomy gloorootoonian cards

The yours, is a very studied planet for its vicious and the primitive way of life, the dangers, the ancient diseases and economy problems

We have discussed for two years about the possibity of being cancelated this jorney, and after many considerations, the central committe agreed

The Gloorootoos that have their travel ticket -Gloochtimidin continues- Are covered for a protecter layer, to obstruct any microorganism of any disease, moreover they have teletransporters trade Glooxip, which transport in 1 milisecond in a 60,000 miles range in spherical position

We want to tell all Earth inhabitants, dont afraid, and in five months later, we will return to our planet Glooxtat, this is a tourist visit- concluded

some biological information

  • The Gloorootoos are alies from the Planet Glooxtat, their organism has a function as a human and as a plant, and they feed for the soil they tread upon, though the thousand of microroots they have on the feet plant

  • Their conduits are like the plants' conduits, and the human veins, and in theirblood or sap exists the chlorophyll, processed in the top part otheir body, where the have some kind of lobes, in green color, like radish, but soft consistence, like flesh.

  • they have hands and feet, the hands are very virtuos, 300% superior range than human, and very sensitive and perceptible

  • They don't have eyes but already see. On the green top part of their body, they have hundreds of photoreceivers (fotoreceptores, in the figure, see link) with lenses, connected with the brain, which is very big
  • They don't have mouth, cause the way they feed, they don't really need, but they sing, dont' talk.. just sing... The Gloos are very sensitive to the arts

  • The way they make sounds is for hundreds of coneses near the photoreceivers on the green top part of their body, they work like the radio speakers, making sounds for vibration, and as a speaker they can reproduce any sound

  • they can sing in stereo, quadrephonic or thousandphonic!!!, as each cone is indepenant for others the can sing in thousand voices at once, and they can represent a simphony too, as a matter of fact they sing while they are taking a shower

  • They have two sexes too, and the Female Gloorootoos get pregnant, and the gestation time is one Gloorootian year, equivalent as three mounths on earth

The Gloorootoos are very friendly and warming, but they don't have authorization to take part on the human general life, they only are ovservers, then they can't help in a critical situation, nevertheless some testimonies of several people say that in very extreme circumstances, they haven't resisted their strong

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