Owl's Ghost Stories


Do you have any true ghost stories to share?

Have you ever heard of any true ghost stories that send you into an eerie mood? Or have you personally experience anything to do with the supernatural?

You are invited to share your (unpublished) stories at Owl's Ghost Stories. For stories published on this site, credits will be given to the contributors. Please enclose your name as well as a nickname (if you wish only to be known by your nickname for credits) and email address so that I can clarify any uncertainties of the story you submit. Make sure you clearly state where the incident happened so that I know which section of the site to put the story in.

You are welcomed to use the form below or you can send me your story through email. However, I am only interested in TRUE ghost stories. Thank you!

(If you prefer to use a nickname for credits)
Where it happened?:
(Be as exact as possible, at least the country)
* Required

Your ghost story: *

Owl's Ghost Stories is copyrighted to Will Ong.
All contributions accepted will become the property of Owl's Ghost Stories.
Owl's Ghost Stories reserved the right to publish the stories whenever or wherever deemed fit.

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Owl's Ghost Stories
© 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 by Will Ong
Email: penangowl@geocities.com

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