John and Patty's Gaming Stuff

This page contains links to the files I have created for our House Rules. These have been tested over many years and we think they make our games run better.

All files are in MS Word format unless otherwise noted.

House Rules for Steve Jackson Games' Generic Universal Role Playing System (GURPS)

Our House Advantage List Our House Disdvantage List
Our House Skill List Our House Armour Chart
Our House Firearms Damage Table Our House Firearms Damage Table (using d6s only)
Advantage Summary (including House Advantages) Disdvantage Summary (including House Disadvantages)
Skill Summary (including House Skills) Attribute Chart from GURPS Compendium 1

House Rules for Other Games

Our Castle Falkenstein House Rules (WordPerfect 9) Our Castle Falkenstein Character Design Sheet (WordPerfect 9)
Fuzion Falkenstein (a work in progress) Fuzion Falkenstein Character Sheet
The Arcanum Patch (WordPerfect 9)

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Obligatory Copyright Notice: The names of games and game companies are used here without the permission of their respective owners. Every effort has been made to ensure that these owners are given proper credit, but, in any event, nothing here is meant to infringe their copyrights and trademarks.

All original material presented here is copyright John P. Hans and Patricia A. Teague, 1987-2002, except as otherwise noted (and every effort has been made to ensure that material created by other authors and presented on their web-sites has been properly credited). Permission is granted to copy and use the materials herein so long as credit is given to the orginal authors.

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