Um Join Form

So you are persistent, eh? Well, brave or foolish, I'll let you through the world portal for a small fee.... just between you and me, of course. But before I can let you through, you'll have to provide me with some information...

Personal Details

Your Real Name:  Your real age:  years.

E-mail address:  (check here if you do NOT want your e-mail address shown on the Characters Page)

Where did you hear about Um?

What other clubs are you in? 

I would like to join in the  


Your Persona

Persona Name: 

Persona Age:  years.

Persona Gender:  

Persona Race:  

If you chose "User Specified" then please fill out the description, physiology, history, etc. of your new race in this box:

For race descriptions that may seem unfamiliar to you click here to go to the races page - they are most likely a race created by another player and will have their own specifications. Obtaining permission from the Race Owner is preferential but not essential - if you submit a persona from a player-created race without permission the GamesMaster will send them notification.

Location:  If "Other" please specify: 


Please write a short description of what exactly it is that your persona does (feel free to invent a new occupation here!):

Rank:  If "Not Applicable", please specify why: 

Physical and Emotional Description: 

Brief background History:: 


For information on how to generate your statistics open this page in a separate browser window.

Persona Statistics

STR (Strength)
INT (Intelligence)
WIS (Wisdom)
DEX (Dexterity)
CON (Constitution)
LUK (Luck)
HP (Hit Points)
SP (Spell Points)
ATK (Attack)
DFS (Defense)

  Please enter a description of what abilities, skills and powers, and equipment (plus their abilities) you'd like your character to have:  

Just a final note: I tend to be pretty lenient on what gets in the game, but if you are overly excessive take another look at your persona - noone is going to like an invincible character that cannot grow any further.  

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E-mail the GamesMaster if you really feel the need.

All material related to Um is copyrighted © 1998 M_Random™