A virtual city where you can have your own virtual house, job, and even have fake money to buy furniture and stuff. You can chat in 3D or 2D if ya want. It's one of my haunts :)
Never knew a place in Ohio could be so creepy- stuff on the mental hospital, cults, ghosts, and creepy things like that :)
Have your own little virtual pet (I don't think it dies) and it's far from being like a nanopet. Mines a cute little Korbat with yellow wings :)
A site dedicated to educating the mulletheadhunter in all of us- by teaching you to admire the creature that is the mullet and to let the mullet live it's daily life in peace. Warning, does contains content that induces volatile laughter and does have little splashes of the f-word. Is in no way endorsed by Jiri, ok?!