My sincerest apologies to those of you who have anticipated the second part of Zonal Vision's "My Name Is Called Disturbance". My desire is to produce a quality read (despite having to meet a deadline). In this respect I have failed, so until I am able to write a quality story in the spare time my schedule allows, I trust you will bear with me until then, dph |
Since I have this space vacant, I decided to put it to good use by thanking my fellow members for their kind words and thoughts regarding my fan contribution (Zonal Vision).
I received a short, but to the point letter from Michael T (Creator of Poop the Psychotic Man). He wrote: "Great job, sir. Your zine is a fine example of hard work and fun layout. The design is great (You a web page designer? Anyway, just writing personally to say 'fantastic job'.
"It's an honor to share an APA with such talent. Your friend, Michael Tirrell"
Mike, I really appreciate your letter. It came at a time when I needed some encouragement. I take classes at a school that strips you of your self esteem regarding the work produced. I did not have an artistic background when I started classes and I did not have any training at all regarding working with computers.
What you see produced is what I have been able to cobble together as a (now 48 years young) student learning how to manage a Macintosh computer with QuarkXPress software, Adobe Illustrator software & Adobe Photoshop software.
My parents passed away in '93 & I was able to purchase my own computer to help with my schoolwork. ZonalVision is one of those delightful perks inutilizing what I have learned in classes & experi- menting with my computer at home.
As for designing web pages, I have not attempted to design a web page; in fact, I'm not sure what I would have to do at this time to design a web page. So until I do, ZonalVision will be what I print and focus my creative energy on for the near future.
My apologies to Jeffrey Vavra regarding "My Name Is Called Disturbance". Your comments about my work made me more determined to wait on producing a quality read. Most importantly, I was not quite sure how the story would be received.
To "The Ball of Fire" himself, Rick Olney: Gene Longcrier has been super swamped with classwork. He has been working on another submission for ZonalVision & we are talking about creating something, especially from your comments about the work he did in previous issues.
Later, Daryl.
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