FF7 Meets FFT: The Zodiac Vacation Part 3
By Rofel

Hello again! It’s been forever since your favorite fanfic author, Chocobo, decided to write, but he’s at it again, and he’s about to finish FF7 Meets FFT: The Zodiac Vacation!

Narrator: The scene opens with Cloud, Ramza, and the rest of the good guys talking.

Cloud: There has to be one of these “Volcanoes” somewhere.

Ramza: I doubt it.

Cloud: Why?

Ramza: I dunno. The narrator just made me say that.

Cloud: What narrator?

Ramza: Here we go again…

Cid: I ain’t under control of no #@$!@#$!@#$ narrator!

Barret: Your !@#$!@#$ right Cid. Me !#$!@#$!@#$ neither.

Aeris: Shut up back there!

:::The narrator appears:::

Chocobo: I control each and every one of you. See? Watch Cid.

Cid: [Ooh! When I get that feelin I gotta sing, when I get that feeling…]

Chocobo: See? Don’t mess with me.

Cid: :::breaks out of trance::: You !@#$!

Chocobo: What vulgar language…Speaking of language, take this!

Cid: Kupokakupo! Warkwark Warrk!

Cloud: Don’t mess with him Cid. He can even make people fall off the face of the earth.

Cid: But he won’t, because I’m such an important character in this story.

Chocobo: Hmph.

Cid: :::draws Venus Gospel:::

Chocobo: I’ll let you all by this time. Next time…

:::The narrator disappears:::

Aeris: Well, that sure was weird.

Vincent: I’ll say.

Yuffie: …

Cloud: What is it Yuffie?

Yuffie: I was just remembering, a long time ago…


Barret: Hahaha! She was hangin around in the middle of a stinkin forest!

Red: Hehehe…

Cid: Hey Red! Would ya mind lighting one for me?

Red: Here. :::lights a cigar for cid using his tail:::

Cait Sith: Hey wait I can help! :::uses FIRE3 on the cigar and burns cid:::

Cid: You !#$!##$ cat!

Barret: A little late Cait…

Yuffie: Wait! I have the perfect idea for the end of our vacation! Let’s go to the Junon Area!

Narrator: They all went to the Junon Area, where Yuffie found her Gold Shuriken from what seemed like forever ago.

Cid: Well, the Highwind and the sub are right there…

Cloud: We got the car!

Cid: The cars not as fast as the Highwind.

Aeris: I guess you have a point.

Cloud: Doh! The car broke down!

:::Cloud goes outside the car:::

Cloud: @$%^@$% stupid piece of !!#@$!@#$!@$ @#$@#$% Barret, Cid, Come ‘ere

Cid: !#$%!#$%

Barret: #!!@#$!@#$

Cait Sith: Will this help? :::Uses BOLT 3 and shocks Cid who has his hand on the metal car:::

Cid: !#$!@#$!@# cat! @#$@#$!@#$!@#$!@#$!@#$!@#$!@#$!@#$!@#$!@#$$!@#$!@#$!@#$!@#$!@#$!@#$!@#$!@#$!@# $!@#$!@#$!@#$!@#$@#$!@#$!@#$!@#$ :::dies:::

:::Link appears:::

Link: I’m here to help! :::gives Cid a phoenix down and runs off, or so he thinks. The narrator holds him in place:::

Link: You stupid narrator! You !#$!@#$!@#$!@#$!@#$!@#$!@#$!@#$

Cid: Stop cussing so @#$%@#$% much Link!

:::The narrator appears again:::

Cid, Barret, Link: Go the !@#$!@#$ away!

Chocobo: Cid, I don’t think you’re the person who should be telling people to watch their language.

Cid: Shu’up you #@$!@#$ narrator!

:::The narrator disappears. A warp portal appears beneath Link and takes him back to where he belongs.

Cloud: What I wanna know is why that guy puts so many random people in…

Yuffie: What I wanna know is why its so hot!

Cait Sith: Maybe this’ll help. Uses ICE 3 on Yuffie.

Yuffie: That does it you stupid Cat!

Cait Sith: Uh oh.

Yuffie: :::steals Cait’s materia::: Now he can’t do anything stupid.

Aeris: Ok, lets go to the Highwind!

Ramza & Agrias: Right away!

Narrator: And so, after a few appearances by me on the Highwind, they took off. They made one last check to make sure I wasn’t on board the ship, which I wasn’t. But what will happen next? Will Scully EVER believe Mulder? Find out in Chocobo’s next story…

FF7 Meets FFT: The Erupting Volcano


Who is Eric Cartman’s father?

Part 1 | Part 2

Eric Cartman's father? Mr. Cartman of course (ducks). Head back?