Created on September 05, 1999.
Last updated on May 04, 2003.
Pamyati Vladimira Vysotskogo posvyaszhyaetsya
This site is dedicated to the memory of Vladimir Vysotsky , a Soviet bard of infinite genius and passion
Ch 7. Homo Zapiens: translation in progress . Yes, still in progress. I always have some sort of a deterrent. When it's not college applications, then it's college itself, and when it's not college, then it's a full-time secretarial job. But someone has recently reminded me of this project (thank you, jimmy), and I'll do my best to take time out to continue the translation. The book, incidentally, has been "professionally" translated into English by a fellow named Andrew Bromfield, who apparently knows neither English nor Russian very well. Check it out, it's called Babylon .
"In the world of radical youth culture, nothing sells as well as a neatly packaged and politically correct rage against the world, where everything is politically correct and neatly packaged for sale."
Victor Pelevin.
Áóääà — ýòî óì, êîòîðûé ðàçâåë âñå òî, ÷òî åãî ãðóçèëî, è ñëèë âñå òî. ÷òî õîòåëî åãî ðàçâåñòè. - V. Pelevin
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