-Added Message Board
-Added Sounds from Amends
-Reset counter to 1
-Added Buffy News Section
-Next episode of Buffy is (season 3 repeat) Faith, Hope, & Trick

-Mass e-mail was sent to anyone who signed up for my mailing list
-The e-mail told about our new message board and Buffy News Page

-Two new awards were givin out you can find them at:
- Slayer.com
- My Buffy and Cast Page

-Next new Buffy episode is GingerBread airing Tues, Jan 12

-Monday(1/18/99) is a repeat of Band Candy
-Next new Buffy episode is Helpless airing Tues, Jan 19
-4 bodies where added to the Season 3 Body Count page

-3 new awards were added see them at:
- Buffy Shrine
- Dust to Dust
- The Library

1/20/99 -Changed the main a little
-Added sounds from almost all episodes
-Added 5 bodies from "Helpless"to the Body Count Page
-Next new Episode is "Zeppo" 1/26/99

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