Deciding that you want to learn more about these unicorns and meet some, you follow the black and white tail of Battlecry. About 7 minutes pass before you walk into a small clearing, well, as good as a clearing can be in a jungle. Brook and Battlecry stop and so do you. The pinto stallion raises his head high and lets out a high pitched whinny. It's not like other horses' whinnys but much more diffrent, yet beautiful. After a few seconds, there are flashes of diffrent colors all around you. Most are earth shades but a few flashes are brightly colored. Soon, three diffrent unicorn mares step out, each one holding it's delicate head high.
The unicorn mares look you up and down for awhile and you start to feel nervous. Finally, a violet unicorn with a rainbow mane and tail steps up to you and sniffs you gently. You notice the blue circle around her eye and the marking on her left flank. The brightly colored unicorn snorts softly, satisfied.
"Greetings. I am Iris, Head Mare of the Stargazer Band." The violet says happily. "Welcome to our part of the jungle. As you see, we are Indian War Unicorns. We are not like other unicorns or horses. If you want to find more about us, go to the History and Info page. It should be located below somewhere. Ahh, I bet you are wondering who these other mares are. They will introduce themselves since they can talk."
Iris nods to an appaloosa mare with a moon and star on her flank who shyly steps forward.
"Hello. Forgive me but I am quite shy around strangers. My name is Kash. Welcome to our small but friendly band. We Indian War Unicorns don't really have ranks except for the Head Mare and Stallion. They are the only ones so our band can be kept in order. But we treat eatchother equally."
You turn to the last mare, a dappled grey who has a marking on her flank and shoulder that are somewhat similar to suns. The mare smiles at you.
"Hello and welcome! I will be Suncatcher. There really isn't much to say but where you'd like to go." Suncatcher bobs her head, making the two feathers tied to her mane bounce swiftly. You smile and then decide where to go.