Drug Testing InfoOver the years i have had to take several drug tests, and have always ahd to change my lifestyle for weeks in advance. Because I find this change to be inconvenient, and disruptive, I have researched all there is to know, and have developed my own technique on what to do. I have compressed all of the best techniques out there into a single method so that you can be certain to pass the test. I want people to live free. That is why i am fighting the ridiculous laws of this countries. One of the unheard freedoms he have lost is the right to live a life outside of the work place. Drug testing is one of the most disgusting violations of people's rights. What gives people the right to make us urinate into a cup, and then have them test it!? Although they are outrageous, they are something people must face, that is why i am here to help. Although we can't avoid these tests, we can manipulate them! 1)Excercise/Metabolism:The only way to rid your system of the things being tested for is creating a higher metabolism. The people with the highest metabolisms are athletes. If you have a month or more to prepare for your test, excersice daily up until the week before. The work will increase your metabolism, working the "contaminents" out. Stop working out the week prior to the test, and act lazy. This will stop the remaining "contaminents" from going into the urine, by building a "barrior" of fatty tissue over them. 2)The Night Before: The night before the test, drink as much water as possible. Don't hurt yourself, but fill up! Hold this water in all night, and pass it in the mourning. Whjat this does is cleans out all the toxins that might build up over night. 3)B2 Vitmins and Creatinine: B2 is what makes your urine yellow. If the person taking your test sees clear urine, they will fail you, or make you retest RIGHT THERE!(Aka double flush,more on this later). So take at least 100mg 1-2 hours before the test. Creatinine is what the people check for in your urine to see if it was been watered out. If it is low, they could fail you, or make you retest. There are products that will increase these levels in you, check our Links Section for a huge listing of testing supplies. To increase these levels without such products, simply eat meat for at least three days before the test. Meat is full of creatinine, and three days worth will should increase it. 4)Before The Test: Drink alot of water. Just like you did the night before. About 1-2 hours before the test, drink as much water as possible. What this does is fill your blatter with "clean" fluids, as opposed to THC filled fluids. The thing to be carefull with is to use the above steps with this so that it looks like it hasn't been diluted! 5)Problems With This Method: The only thing i can see wrong with this method is something called "Double Flush". What this is, is where the person testing you makes you take another sample after your first one. The reason this is bad is because the water is all out of you, and the second sample will most likely contain THC. This is not vary common(if you follow these steps), but can happen. 6)Tips To Prevent Double Flush: Be cool. Pretend your there for a doctors apointment, and your just going to the bathroom. If the person sees you acting weird, they are more likely to "double flush" you. Be nice, and talk to them. Make them like you. Also don't fill the sample up to much. It is easier to notice clearness in a large amount than a little. 7)False Positives/Negatives: These are when the tests mess up. These test are not 100% perfect, but most are becoming more accurate. False positives are when the test shows the person as a "user" when they aren't, and a false negative is when they show the person as clean even if they aren't. Most tests now-a-days are about 90-99 percent accurate, but there are some test that are as low as 60-70 percent! Although this sounds bad, they can be used towards your advantage! If you fail your test(positive), flip-out. There is no better way to put it. Flip out and DEMAND a retest. If you were actually a drug-free person isn't that what you would do! Just complain and yell and scream...most places will give you another one. This gives you another shot to use my technique/use a product. If you fail twice, you better just leave! 8)Urine Additives & Supplies: I will be featuring a HUGE listing of online stores that sell these supplies by the end of March. The additives are something you can add to your urine to "detoxify" it. They supposedly take out all contminants. The other things they sell are pills, drink, shakes, etc. These are to be taken instead of the water 1-2 hours before the test. the good things about these is that they are packed with creatinine and B2 vitamins. This means that is all you have to take before the test. These are good for those you may have suprise tests. The are fast acting(most take just an hour to kick in), and most now have "Double Flush" PROTECTION! This means that if the person makes you go a 2nd time, your still good to go! I have not tried any of these prodcuts yet, but they sound worth wild! 9)I just got this product info from a member:gnc quick caps or quicktabs. you take like 20 or 10 pills two hours or an hour before the test anddrink like 2 liters of water. i've had two drug test and passed them both with this method BNG Enterprises , thisis the website to the stuff. they claim a 99 percent success rate. **Member Results** Sent in by "Tttoka"i was at home alone and i was looking in my drawer for my rainy day bud collection. (every time i get weed i take a couple buds out and save it for a boring day)i finally found my pot and i realized that it was still early so i had time to toke. so i smoked the 3 grams in a flash.after a few hours of being blasted my mom came home and thought i was stoned so she said she is going to take me for a drug test in a few days.i was like ooohh shit casue i had just pounded 4 grams into me.after my mom came back she went out again to a meeting so i went onto the internet and looked for how to pass a drug test and then your site came up. i read all the shit on there and then 4 days later i took the drug test and..... PaSsEd :)!!! i did everything your instructions told me to do. If anyone else has had success with these, please email me and i'll put your story up! |