Welcome to the Roguery!


The bookmarks come in sets of three to a page. To use them: Click on the page you want and wait for the graphic to download. Then use your browser's "print" function to print the page. For best results, use color ink and heavy paper, such as cardstock. You can even laminate the bookmarks with Contact paper after they are printed. Then cut them out, and there you go!

Page 1: Wedge, Tycho, Wes Page 1: Wedge Antilles, Tycho Celchu, and Wes Janson
Page 2: Hobbie, Elscol & Groznik, and Corran Page 2: Hobbie Klivian, Elscol Loro & Groznik, and Corran Horn
Page 3: Mirax, Winter, Iella Page 3: Mirax Terrik, Winter, and Iella Wessiri
Page 4: Mara, Plourr, Wedge Page 4: Mara Jade, Plourr Ilo, and Wedge Antilles
Page 5: Thrawn, Vader, Fett Page 5: Grand Admiral Thrawn, Darth Vader, and Boba Fett
Page 6: Luke, Leia, Han & Chewie Page 6: Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Han & Chewbacca
Page 7: Wedge, Wes, Hobbie Page 7: Wedge Antilles, Wes Janson, and Hobbie Klivian
Page 8: Han, Lando, Luke Page 8: Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, and Luke Skywalker
Page 9: Miscellaneous Page 9: Miscellaneous

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Copyright ©2001 Rebecca J. Bush sycamore@roguemail.net
Soli Dei Gloria