Welcome to the second campaign that involved Nulorgo, the hobgoblin. Enjoy the adventures of Nulorgo and his fellow characters as they fly about and fight dragons, rob stores, and worship Tempus. Nulorgo is polymorphed into a human. He also gains a level as a fighter and a level as a priest although he is still not officially multi class.
1. The Flying machine arrives and we head off.
2. We find a city in the mountains and land our craft.
3. We take a room in the city and shop.
4. We finally pull off a heist.
5. We are brought down by a Winter Dragon.
6. We cut up dragon skin and deliver Elminster's package.
7. The Symbol sees us and we are her guests.
8. Arriving in Umbergoth we begin to live a little.
9. Temples are planned for religious tolerance and balance.
10. The festival of Spring happens and we set out again.
After checking out Nulorgo's adventures. You can read my links to other Advanced Dungeon's and Dragon's web spaces.
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