USS Midway

Where would Gateway and Starfleet be without ships such as the USS Midway? No one wants to find out.
This super freighter and others like it provide the fire power and back up that sustains Gateway Station. Capable of holding there own in any battle, these ships prove quite a match for any enemy craft out there. Under the Command of Commodore Erika John * Killkenny, the Midway is quite a sight to behold.

Technical Specifications:

Length: 1124.7m (7/10 of a mile long)

Width: 852.2m (1/2 a mile wide)

Height: 237.1m (1/10 of a mile tall)

Weight: 696,158mt

Cargo Unit: 875scu

Cargo Cap: 43750mt

Control Computer type:

M-10A AICS [CORA] C.omputer O.rigination R.otational A.ccess, is a self-intelligent system designed, installed, and maintaned by Commodore Killkenny and her crew.

Total onboard: 100
Flight Line/Maintenence Crew: 1315

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Standard 6 person: 35
Cargo, Large: 5
Cargo, Small : 8

Crew Breakdown:
Total Crew: 2893

Crew: 1575+
Passengers: 1400 max
Flight Line Crew: 1315
Total Male Crewmen: 1991
Total Female Crewmen: 902


Sphinx Maintenance: 35
Standard 10 person: 17
Standard 22 person: 7

Weapons and Sheild Data:

FH-15 Phasers: 8 in 4 banks of 2 each

FP-11 Quantum Torpedoes: 8, fires 2 per volley

Category: Class III Super Freighter

Crew Manifest
Deck By Deck Plans
The Mutarians
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Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Killkenny, Commanding Officers of the USS Midway