"In the aftermath of the Dathrac crisis, the people of the Outer Planes struggle to rebuild.  The forces of evil and chaos roam free, easily bullying the shattered forces of good."

- Eleminster the Sage

It's a dark, dismally gray morning somewhere. From atop a small hill you can see a valley. Drenched in blood from the previous day's battle, the woodland is a graveyard now. Nearby stands a shrine, entombing an elaborate sword. Embedded in the hilt, a small gem gleams out at you. Twisting around the altar in an endless spiral is the prophecy. Written in a language you have never seen, yet can somehow read, is the story of Eijdn, the hero who defeated the hoards in the great war ten millennia ago. His sword stands as a reminder of our victory.
The sun rises suddenly, filling the grayness with deep red light. The crimson disc rises higher in the sky, until it finally lies perfectly eclipsed by Eijdn's Sword. Light flows from the gem in the sword's hilt, overwhelming your senses as you awake to the faintly whispered words, "The time is near..."