Experiences -- Part III
Bruises, Scars, and Burns
Sun Aug. 24 13:50 EST 1997
her article, "Are You an Alien Abductee?1,"
Melinda Leslie
describes some of the physical and psychological symptoms that seem to
be common in abductees:
or having a marker memory
strange or unusual scars, marks, burns, or bruises which suddenly
with any rational explanation
with your immunity system
sinusitis or nasal problems
or sporadic headaches, especially in the sinus, behind one eye or
in one ear
pregnancy or having a missing fetus (pregnant, and then not)
of flying through the air that could not be a dreams
awaking in place other than where you went to sleep or not remembering
going to sleep at all
nose bleeds at any time during life
strange humming or pulsing sounds, without being able to identify
the source
or sporadic ringing in your ears, especially in one ear
or neck problems and/or T-3 vertebrae out often
or sleep disorders
startled in the middle of the night
paralyzed in bed with a being in your room
to find or suddenly realized someone with you is motionless, paralyzed,
or frozen in time
strong fears or phobias
strong reactions to cover of Communion or pictures of aliens
(either aversion or attraction)
fear of doctors or tendency to avoid medical treatment
of doctors or medical procedures
paranormal or psychic experiences, including intuition
My daughters and I have experienced many of these symptoms.
Some of these, such as sinusitis and headaches, are common
complaints here in the South. It would be unusual if we did not
experience them Here are some of those experiences. However others
are quite unusual so I'll recount some of those for you.
The experiences of my older daughter, "K" began when she developed a sleep
disorder and what was diagnosed as a "behavioral disorder."
It first manifest itself quite suddenly one afternoon at nursery school
right after her 5th birthday. The teacher awakened her by shaking
her shoulder and "K" went into hysterics. She became
very withdrawn and about 4 months after the first episode she hospitalized.
She was diagnosed as having a sleep disorder plus a "behavioral
disorder." She responded well to the structured program as well as
the behavior modification treatment she received and returned home after
a stay of about 3 months. She was enrolled in a Christian school
where there was a well structured program and the discipline was fairly
strict. She continued to receive counseling on an outpatient basis
for the next couple of years.
The school closed at the end of her fourth grade year and she transferred
to a public school. During this time she began to experience
increasing frequent nose bleeds and also began to show signs of
increasing stress. She started complaining of floating
"dreams" and stopped sleeping through the night. The
sinus and immunity problems she had been bothered with
all along seem to worsen. Finally she seemed to become severely disoriented
and eventually she totally shut down.
She would not tell anyone (her father, her teachers, her counselors
or me) what was happening to her. We could not get her to tell us
what was frightening her so badly that she would withdraw into herself.
We had concluded that her problems were being caused from the pressures
of adjusting to a public school situation. We felt
she was just having a difficult stage as she was also beginning to experience
the first stages of puberty. We believed that a combination of factors
was causing all the strange behaviors we had never observed in her
before. We tried
to reassure her and help her adjust to the new situation. But
as things progressed she seemed to become terrified of everything.
She began to have anxiety attacks and began to throw up at school.
Then she started having panic attacks and would become so frightened she
would pass out. Her father and I decided that having her hospitalized
seemed to be our only option.
On November 2, 1992 she was once again hospitalized. Shortly
thereafter she begin to tell the therapist and Psychologist at the hospital
what she was experiencing. She stated she was able to
see colors surrounding people (auroras), to hear voices,
and seeing strange people in her bedroom. Since the Mental
Health community does not believe in ESP or any related phenomenon, they
began to give her drugs they hoped would blocked out the colors,
voices, and visions of strange people in the night.
The problems continues. She was diagnosed as Serious Emotionally
Disturbed and placed in a special class at school. She became
severely School Phobic and started refusing to go to school.
In August of 1994, after she had been hospitalized for the fourth
time, the diagnose was changed to Major Depression with Psychotic Features.
(Psychotic Features is the politically term they use around here
until you are old enough to be labeled Schizophrenic.) She was on
extremely strong anti psychotic drugs in combination with antidepressants.
It has taken three years for the Mental Health care givers to find the
right combination of medication to control her symptoms well enough for
her to return home. We hope she will be able to stay on a "permanent
basis" and the attempt is being made to get her into some regular
11th grade classes. She is still officially a "Exceptional
Education" student and her placement is in the Serious Progress Mental
Illness division.
I have to monitor her medication fairly closely and I can tell when she's
missed a dose of one or other of her medicines. When that happens
she starts to talk about the colors that surround someone in the room with
her and/or hearing voices speaking to her. Recently, she came
over to me and began placing her hand about 6" over my head. She said I
had white smoke encircling me. She said it was different from the
energy she can feel surrounding people and seemed to start where the energy
left off. I make sure she took her Risperdal immediately and
had her second dose exactly 4 hours later. In case this doesn't correct
the problem her dosage may have to be increased.
She takes the "new" anti-psychotic drug Risperdal which has done
wonders for her. The Risperdal (generic name risperidone) is a product
of Janssen Pharmaceutica which is in turn owned by Johnson & Johnson.
The wonderful thing about this drug is it does not cause the patient to
suffer with a deterioration in thinking functions
Recently she began to complain of pain in her back. When X-rays
were taken of her spine her the Doctor found that she has an extra
vertebrae in her spine. He said it was unusual but that
it should give her any problems and prescribed some exercise to strength
her back muscles.
My youngest daughter, "L", has a scar that runs from just
below her shoulder to just above her tailbone. She has had the scar since
she was 4 years old. The first morning I saw the wound I thought
she had been scratched by a coat hanger or a piece of metal. She
had been in my bedroom closet when she first started complaining
about the pain it was causing her. I put antibiotic salve on
it and she stopped complaining. As the wound healed what I believed
to be a simple scratch left a scar that appears to have been from some
sort of surgery.
A couple of years ago she had her back examined and a full set of x-rays
taken. The doctor found that her spinal vertebrae are not connected
at the bottom so that they float above her coccyx and pelvic bone. He said
it had probably never fused properly or she had broken it loose in a fall.
Interestingly enough the scar ends almost exactly where the
break appears.
Not long after she got the "coat hanger scratch" she started developing
a variety of viral infections. The most notable of these
was Cat Scratch Fever. This infection causes sever swelling in the
glands of the neck. The fluids causing the swelling begins to localize
as the poison works its way out of her glands. The result is a knot
or nodule which a doctor can eventually drain by inserting a needle into
the lump. In my daughter's case the nodule ruptured the morning
she was to get it drained so she has a small round indented scar
where the fluid came out.
When she was seven she began to complaining about places on her back and
side were burning, itching and very painful. An examination
revealed patches that looked like random spots of mild sunburn.
Within 24 hours, the patches had developed into large watery blisters.
The Doctor stated it sounded like she had chicken pox when I spoke to him
over the phone.. This was puzzling as "L" had suffered
through a very bad case of Chicken Pox when she was three.
On the way to the Doctor's office I realized my mother had suffered from
blisters just like those one summer. Sure enough "L" had the Shingles.
The Doctor said although Shingles is
rare in children she apparently had not developed a complete immunity
to the Herpes virus that is the root cause of the Chicken Pox and
Shingles so when she became infected again the virus developed into
the more painful condition. This particular nasty virus attacks
the central nervous system. Children develop a blistering rash
that can cover parts or all of their body. When adults contract the
virus they develop skin blisters that follow one or more nerve trunks (branches)
around the body. The third form is rare and shows no external symptoms
instead it infects the nerve tissue itself.
In the past two years, "L" developed a problems with nose bleeds
and sleepwalking. Moreover, she had begun voicing complaints
about floating or flying out of her window and/or levitating
off her bed at night. She said that she didn't mind the
flying but the sudden fall when she came back to her bed was scaring her
cat. The cat didn't want to sleep on the foot of the bed when
she kept dropping down and waking it up.
Right after Christmas last year she started voicing anger at the "grey
man" who disturbed her at night. She stated he was the
same one who visited "K" at the old apartment. This in addition to
the other things became so bothersome that she stopped sleeping at night.
She began to sleep at school, but when the teacher and the aide wouldn't
allow her to sleep in class, she stopped going to school.
Several months ago I discovered a strange callus on her neck which
looked like she has been carrying a yoke with something heavy hanging from
it. If she was a Chinese peasant the callus wouldn't have looked out of
place. She also has a small hump in her neck just below the
callus. Since she is a couch potato I decided to tell her it
was from the pillows on the couch rubbing against her neck.
That story won't hold water, but it sounded better than "Oh, it's just
another of those marks that appear on people who have been abducted."
As I said she refused to return to school after the Christmas holidays
so with the help of the school we petitioned Juvenile Court for help with
her. In March, she was placed in the custody of our state's
Department of Children Services. At the time of this
report she is no longer living at home. On the positive side this
change of living arrangement a great many of her "symptoms" have become
less acute. The callus is now beginning to fade as is the surgical
scar. It is as if whatever caused them and/or caused
them to remain fresh for all these years has stopped. Her nosebleeds
have all but stopped as have her complaints flying and levitation.
She is still sleep walking a good bit so her Doctor at the Residential
Care Facility (politically correct term for hospital) has put her
on medication for the sleepwalking and hopefully that will end soon.
Previous to her placement she had been diagnosed as having Disassociative
Disorder, Adjustment Disorder, and Attention Deficit Disorder without Hyperactivity.
To this has been added Bipolar Disorder.
As I said "sinus problems" are not an unusual occurrence in this area today,
but when I was little that was not the case. Not long after
my first abduction my sinus cavities totally closed up. I was desperately
ill and the doctors had to do x-rays on my head to discover what was causing
the problems. At the same time my body's immunity system
body began to fail. I developed severe tonsillitis which left
me unable to swallow so I had to be feed intravenously. Eventually
Mother's doctor back home removed my tonsils which ended the tonsillitis,
but did nothing to help my immune system. Not long after I
had my tonsils out I developed Mononucleosis which in turn lead to Rheumatic
Fever and related Rheumatic disease in every form but St. Vitas Dance.
When I would come down with a mundane childhood disease like Measles or
Scarlet fever it always seem to trigger another bout of Rheumatic Fever
or Rheumatoid Arthritis. The
only childhood disease that didn't was Chicken Pox. Mother
stated I has diagnosed as having Chicken pox three times as a child.
This should have given my immunity to the virus however, as an adult I've
had both the Shingles and Reticulitis. Sometimes I wonder why every
viral infection which afflicts mankind seems to try itself out on me first.
I feel that maybe I'm a testing ground for virus that have been mutated
just to torment mankind. Even now when I no longer work or
interact with the public I still seem to be the first person diagnosed
with whatever malady that is about to become popular.
should give you an idea of how the physical symptoms can affect an abductee.
It isn't a lot of fun. Every time hear someone say they want to be
abducted I have to fight the urge to hit them repeatedly around the head
and shoulders with one of Mother's old iron skillets.
However, the physical toll of abduction can be mild when compared to the
psychological toll that the abductions have taken. It is like
spending your life in a war zone. When the Psychologist first diagnosed
my as having Post Traumatic Stress Disorder I thought I am one of the walking
wounded in the first Intergalactic War. Moreover, I'm still in the
combat zone.
Waking in the night to find myself paralyzed with some dark figure standing
over you does not make for peaceful rest. I told my Psychologist
that those dark figures were the real Men In Black .
Their appearance as more of an absence of something than an actual physical
form. I compared it to the special effect where someone but on a
blue or green covering and told the computer that anything that color just
wasn't there. There was a sort of blue or black blank
space where they should have been.
This "man who isn't there" has led Bill to modify his behavior a bit.
The black figure is the one that startles the girls and I causing us scream
when we awaken to find him standing over us. He has become such a
matter of routine that my husband will not come into the room at night
until the person in the room is fully awake. He has learned
that simply walking in to the room when we were asleep results in the individual's
awakening with a sudden start and more often than not screaming bloody
Several months ago, I awoke paralyzed and knowing I was not alone.
Suddenly I realized that small silver figures were not there
for me. They were escorting my husband toward the bedroom window.
I just closed my eyes to that one. My husband is stubborn enough
to take care of himself. The silvery-grey figures are not as terrifying
when you know they aren't there for you.
The most annoying indicator/symptom is the almost constant irritation is
having to listen to "crickets" (high-pitched sounds) or "the buzzing
alarm clock" (low pitched humming sounds, usually with a rhythm
or cadence). This racket is almost constant and is quite annoying.
Then there are the voices. "L" has times when she comes to me fussing about
my calling to her or speaking to her from another room. She gets
angry when I tell her she is "hearing things" again. Thankfully,
she has been able to deal with this phenomenon quite well.
She has always seemed able to ignore such things better where "K".
And finally the saddest and most emotionally painful of all the things
the "symptoms" has been what has been called a "missing fetus." My
first child was taken very early in the first trimester of pregnancy.
One night I went to bed pregnant and awakened the next morning to the knowledge
the fetus was gone. Not miscarried just gone.
My Ob-Gyn thought at first it had been an etopic pregnancy but after bunches
of tests and examines by second Doctor he wrote it off to unexplained factors
probably related to my age. ( 31) I still wonder about
that baby which I "knew" to be a little boy and now I wonder if he is stored
out there somewhere waiting or if he survived at all.
1 "Are you an alien abductee?" 52 signs of abduction
by UFOs or aliens! Indicators compiled by Melinda
Leslie , edited by Mark Williams.
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