DroidsThis fun spirited game involves the adventures and misadventures in trying to transport a single droid | Author:Stuart Yee
| Ratings (1-10): Fun:8 Kanon?:8 Action:7 Depth:8
Droid PlanetWho knows what lurks in an asteroid occupied entirely by droids! | Author:K. Penney
| Ratings (1-10): Fun:8 Kanon?:5 Action:7 Depth:7
The Conference at AlderaanRebels are sent on a mission to transport an ambassador,and a mysterious piece of technology to Alderaan. (text document) | Author:Stuart Yee
| Ratings (1-10): Fun:7 Kanon?:9 Action:9 Depth:9
Incom | Author:Stronghold Academy
| Ratings (1-10): Not yet rated |
Kay's HeroesRebel troops become soldiers of fortune, in this adventure based on the classic Clint Eastwood WWII movie, "Kelly's Heroes". (text document) | Author:Stuart Yee
| Ratings (1-10): Fun:9 Kanon?:7 Action:10 Depth:8
PuzzleThis adventure forces the PCs to figure out how to disarm a booby trap aboard their ship. Can be played alone, or inserted into and existing adventure. | Author:Stronghold Academy
| Ratings (1-10): Fun:5 Kanon?:8 Action:2 Depth:9
Dead GloryThis adventure involves the rescue of a Jedi Knight found in suspended animation. | |
The Treasure of Urus XXIVSomewhere in the galaxy, is a planet with a seemingly perfect civilization... | |
The Abandoned AsteroidWhat danger lurks in an abandoned asteroid base? | |
Turnabout on Starforge StationIn this bounty hunter adventure, the charactes have to deal with the reaccuring villain, Vangar the Pirate Lord. | |
The Manabon AmuletCreated by legendary Jedi Master, Roth Bendu, and hidden in a secret temple, the Manabon Amulet grants enormous powers to its user. Now, a young Jedi must stop Darth Zeal, resurrected Sith Lord from the Clone Wars, and protect the amulet from evil. (text document) | Author:Stuart Yee
| Ratings (1-10): Fun:9 Kanon?:8 Action:9 Depth:8