"Mythopoeia" by J.R.R.Tolkien
"Thirst was made for water, inquiry for truth..." -C.S.Lewis The Great Divorce
And again, Hi! You've mosied on to my personal webpage, which, to be truthful, is my universal links resource since I never seem to be at the same computer.... but back in my junior year of college (1997/8) when I created this abode, I put up all these mind-bogglingly little pages (like anti-space for those seeking the question to 42) about my life and the people who have meandered across my path. So if you actually made it through that run-on sentence (anybody here but me?) here's everything else...
(with the additional side note that I haven't really done much updating since 2000 except for adding links as I come across them... oh, and this paragraph ;) )
SPECIAL BULLETIN (summer 2007): I'm now in China teaching English and etc.! surpriz! :) love it here!
Who am I? That's a question that has confounded philosophers since mankind's beginning. Part of my answer is that I'm a creature and servant of God. A little bit more of an answer can be found here. Alternatively, you can check out my resume if you like.
SURVEY of silly questions.
So I finally did it - I signed up for a spot on MySpace - it's an easy way to communicate and connect with lots of people. Hopefully I'll catch up with some friends with whom I've lost touch over time! You can find me as Trice at http://www.myspace.com/147674394, or on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=776017032. Yes, I have joined both dark sides, I know - good places to reconnect with lost/missing/misplaced friends! And facebook has lots of fun mini-applications to waste time with, because I need more things to distract me. Also I have photos up (let me know if you have trouble viewing them - yahoo closed their photo page and I have yet to look about for an easier way to share...).
Family? No real question there...that is, until you get to know us. [e.g. look closely at my early reading escapade :) ]
Where am I from? Curious question - here's a more solid answer.
Where have I been? That's almost as long a story as a full answer to the first question. To cut it down a bit I'll just give you a sample of my explorations into the vast no man's land known as the World Wide Web.
To where did I flee? Commonly known as going away to university or college, this voyage often has a lot more to do with it than studying.
And then where did I go? Across the great pond, of course - Over There! The next question might be so how did I get back here?!!!
So what do I do now? Lots of things, but most especially FENCING!
[Hint: I'm the one on the right, fencing Mark Kovacs at a UC Fencing practice, Spring 1998. Photo taken by Mark Yeo.] See more photos of UC Fencing
To where do I turn? To God! And to His Word. The church is not without flaws, but it serves Him according to His will.
A few of the people I've met along the way have decided to make themselves known to the world as well. Here is a pathway to their stories.
Looking for other forms of Internet entertainment? Here's a bit about my MUDding escapades.