Internet Entertainment (the short-short-short version!):
=> Lambda MOO - this is one of /the/ originals of it’s kind. I still find it amazing how many people have characters on Lambda. It’s a great place for conversation, research (with prior warning, of course!!!), or building “things”. I must admit that I haven’t met many people through my character, Rylan, but I’ve had fun thinking up new things for my rooms, and if I ever find some time (yeah, right!) I’ll actually do some of the programming to liven up my rooms.
DragonsfireMOO's Pern
=> DragonsfireMOO -one of the first Pern based MUDs, still alive and kicking - thriving in fact. Drop in for a visit. I once has a character named Harper Apprentice Elbera, but she has since moved "off screen". If you see Lethe (L. forgetful) around, give a
=> Who's on DragonsfireMOO? -this page will list those presently logged on to Dragonsfire! and you'll also find links to the characters' webpages if they have them set.
=> DragonsfireMOO’s Homepage -take a look at some further explanations and descriptions of DF and maybe meet a few of its citizens along the way.
=> Harper Hall - webhome of Dragonsfire’s harpers with links to other DF webpages, personal homepages, some songs by the harpers and lots of other fun, interesting and generally harperish ‘stuff’.
=> Harper's Tale - is another Pern based MOO that I've just started visiting - LOTS of people online!!
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